2: Doubts

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Friday, February 22

I feel my phone vibrating. Oh no! Bree! I had forgotten to tell her that I would be watching hockey, since I'd been so focused on the game... well... I've taken interest in #16. I've seen him before at a few practice session I think... but anyways, I quickly grabbed my skating bag and hurried out of the door. Then, I finally picked up.

Bree: "Hey Faith, why aren't you out yet?"

Faith: "Ah I'm so sorry Bree, I lost track of time while I was watching a hockey game."

Bree: "Oooo watching a certain someone?"

Faith: "No... yes... I don't know..."

Bree: "Well, I'm gonna come on in and watch with you. Which rink are you in?"

Faith: "Olympic Rink. I'm in the top row, wearing the black sparkly figure skating jacket."

Bree: "Gotcha, be right there."

Just as I went back in, I saw that #16 was back in the ice. They had just gotten ready for a playoff, then boom, the referee drops the puck. I watched intently as #32 on the Heights got the puck. He zoomed towards the Monarchs goal, and then passed it to #16, who was in a great position to shoot. Number 16 got the puck, and then shot it right towards the top left corner of the goal. Sadly, it just missed, and hit the rim. Just then, Bree came in. As she sat down beside me, she whispered.

Bree: "So, who's the lucky guy you're watching?"

Faith: "Well... I actually don't know his name. I've watched little bits of his practices when I've waited for mom to pick me up sometimes... all I know is that he has platinum blonde hair and light blue greyish eyes. Number 16."

Bree: "Well... today's your lucky day. He just glanced in your direction!"

Faith: "Bree we're sitting on the same side as the scoreboard and the Knights so he could be looking at either of those."

Bree: "Ok. Yeah. Didn't think this through. Actually he did look like he was glancing at the scoreboard... since the game is almost over."

Faith: "Yeah... I'll see his face for real when he takes off his helmet at the end!"

Bree: "Ooooo potential, potential."

Faith: "Bree, I mean, he and I don't even know each other's names... and why would someone like him ever like someone like me?"

Bree: "What do you mean?"

Faith: "He's great at hockey, he looks great, and probably has a ton of girls fangirling over him. Why would I be special? I'm just a typical girl with brown hair and brown eyes. There's nothing different about me. I don't stand out."

Bree: "If you're thinking of changing yourself, don't. He wouldn't be worth it if he doesn't see how great you are. You're beautiful and unique, there's nobody else quite like you. You're perfect, just the way you are. Always have a little faith:)"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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