"Fuck! They've got Savory!" Will cried, springing up and holding his head in disbelief.

On the screen, the lieutenant was being choked in a vicelike grip as another man armed with a rifle kicked her square in the stomach. The plain clothes officers in the surrounding area were trying to beat them off but the tugs were ruthless. Guns blazing, two more appeared and Savory fell onto the floor like a sack of potatoes between them.

Andrew sprang into action, darting past Samantha and pulling open the side door to reveal a deserted street lit by lamps. Yellow from the glow cast by them, the rain still came in a drizzle. Those green eyes followed his progress across the wet pavement. Black boots smashing puddles, his deliberate attempt to ignore her by entering the bar without being ordered to wasn't really pleasing. No. This wouldn't be the end of it. Not today. Not never, Samantha thought. And suddenly, Will found himself alone in the van as the door slid shut.

Within two minutes, she jogged down the alley reeking of urine and beer and towards the back of the bar. Then making a leap for the top of the concrete fence, Samantha pulled herself up. She could literally feel her heart pumping from adrenaline as those black boots landed safely upon the grass on the other side.

Savory should have hauled her ass out of there before this all went down. Should have stationed herself outside in the van. But no, as a directive from the Chief, she just had to be up close and personal. It was almost as if the lieutenant didn't quite trust Swan commanding her uniforms. And that was the part that pissed the blonde off. Not pulling ranks. But the obvious attempt to plant herself in the midst of danger because the two of them had a hormonal history between each other.

Now as the back entrance was spared from the two cops that were standing on guard, Samantha shouldered the metal door open and strode in. With her gun leading the way, those green eyes scanned every inch of space before proceeding in a haste. Barrels lined the faded yellow wall covered in peeling paint. The smell of urine was strong throughout her transgression down the narrow corridor. An oil painting of Jesus Christ was tilted sideways on the wall. And just by the door next to the Messiah, she heard a soft thud and the scrape of a heel.

Slowly nudging the door open a crack, green eyes rested on the back of a woman's figure. Brunette. In a red dress that hugged every damn curve. With a cute ass. Enough glory contained in one figure to drive any man insane from just a rear view. Damn those types though. They were the ones who could kill you slow with poison. Sparingly, she felt herself digressing from the allure.

"Hands up," Samantha said forcefully and aiming her gun.

Dropping the black handbag that was clasped in her right hand, the brunette slowly complied. And Swan immediately fawned over the flawless glow of her honey colored skin that welcomed not a blemish.

"Turn around just as you are," she ordered, already falling into a breathless trap.

Eventually as the demand was abided to, but slowly, the blonde's green eyes widened after recognition washed over her. Not from becoming familiar with each other on a face to face basis. But finally being confronted with a woman who was by then, known by every damn cop in the state of New York and four states over. Even in Mexico, she possibly had to be famous. With those soft brown eyes that could simmer down anyone's fire. The same pair of eyes that had gazed around the bullpen from a photo on the board at the DIU for four years. And belonging to no other than...

"Adriana Lopez-Perez," Samantha stared in awe. The brunette smiled in acknowledgement and dipped her chin a little. "Guess this is your lucky day." Swan moved swiftly after pulling out her handcuffs. But as she invaded the older woman's personal space, the scent of jasmine consumed her within a small pocket. And she was instantly drawn into the flowery magical daze that was threatening to entrap her.

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