This is how it would all finally end; with me falling back to Earth, a Sword of Realms in my hand, my flaming wings turned black with my defiance as I… became one of the Fallen


I hit the ground with a deafening crack, a small crater forming from the impact and a cloud of dust drifting up into the air. As the dust settled, my eyes darted around frantically; my gaze settling on two young girls cowering beneath a crumbling staircase as one of Solomon’s minions skulked towards them.

I snarled and drew my sword from its sheath. “Hey!” As the minion turned I threw my sword, smiling victoriously as I strode over to the girls. “You two okay?” I asked, reefing my sword from the minions’ corpse as they nodded. “Good. Now, I need you to run two streets that way,” I pointed behind me. “And hide in the Cathedral…they won’t go near it, you’ll be safe there.”

Both girls nodded, but the younger of the two stopped to look at me for a moment. “You’re…an Angel.”

I smiled lopsidedly. “Yeah, I am,” I knelt down to her level. “But I need your help…can you tell me where the others are fighting?”

“Back up on…eighty third…I think…” she replied with a frown.

“Close,” I smiled as I looked over my shoulder at the sound of Jake’s voice. “Eighty second and Broadway.”

I stood and turned to him, feeling tears prick my eyes as I saw the grief in his. “Oh, no, don’t you cry…if you cry then I’ll cry and it’ll just turn into a cry fest…and then we won’t be able to see for sobbing.”

“Shutup and come here.” Jake let out a strained laugh as he grabbed me and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug before holding me at arms-length. “How the fuck are you alive?!”

“The Elders made a mistake…” I shrugged, smirking. “But it worked in my favour, so I’m not complaining.” A clap of thunder sounded overhead and I looked up. “And neither’s big guns upstairs either.”

“Andy’s safe.” Jake stated firmly, glancing sideways at me as I breathed in sharply.

“Good. Now,” My gaze hardened as we began walking away, our wings unfolding and taking us up into the air as soon as we saw the girls were safe. “Take me to Solomon…I’ve got quite the bone to pick with him…”


I heard a cry echoing inner grief and rage as Jake and I drifted over the battlefield, and my heart clenched. “Andy…”

“He can’t know you’re alive, Ella…can you imagine what would happen to him if he had to change mindsets in the middle of a fight?” Jake looked at me cautiously.

“I know.” I murmured as we set down behind Jinxx just as he killed three of Solomon’s minions.

“Jake…what the Hell?!” Jinxx’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw me, but I just shook my head.

“I’ll explain later, I swear.” I stated blankly. “But, for the moment… I need you to help keep Andy… away…

“Understood.” Jinxx nodded and, with a final glance towards where Andy and Ashley were fighting, flew, snarling, towards the source of all the world’s woe. I lifted the Sword of Realms high above my head as I screamed.

“No screwing around this time, Solomon!” I roared, sneering cruelly as he looked up at me. “Now, for the last time!” I leered, knowing I’d had enough of this shit. “Go to Hell!” I plunged the sword into his chest. “And this time…” I sneered as I twisted my sword and knocked his from his hands, catching it and plunging it through his stomach. “Fucking stay there…” As I saw the lights begin to leave his eyes, I laughed darkly. “Oh no you don’t you son of a bitch.” I opened the Spirit Vessel and watched curiously as Solomon’s body crumbled…and his soul, shimmering black, was sucked into the Vessel and trapped forever. I sighed as I picked up the Sword of Realms from its place on the ground and plunged it into the soil and watched as the ground split and the fires of Eternal Damnation swirl beneath us.

With a look of revulsion I stepped back…and let the Vessel holding his soul drift back down into the fiery pits of Hell; the Realm taking back those who originated there.

Ella…” I heard a voice call softly behind me.

I smiled as I turned, tears filling my eyes as my gaze fell on my love. “Andy…

Safe, and no longer caring, we ran, crying for joy into each other’s arms.


Their lord and master dead, Solomon’s winged demons physical forms crumbled to dust before the warriors and the darkness lifted.

“It’ll take time…and we’ll have to watch closely,” Andy said quietly as we gazed out over the city from the mountain cabin window. “But we’ll help them rebuild…help them be better…”

I smiled and gently turned his face back towards mine. “And we’ll do it…” I paused just long enough to kiss him sweetly. “Together.


{One month later...}

The wind ruffled my hair lightly as I felt Andy come to stand by me, my eyes closing as he pressed a kiss to my cheek; I knew the others were there, but my mind was far from here…until I heard Andy’s voice in my ear. “You miss it, don’t you?”

I smiled adoringly as I turned to face him, “My Heaven is with you…what do I have to miss if you’re here?”

“Home?” he smiled knowingly down at me before pressing a chaste kiss to my lips.

“And that’s where I come in.” I heard a friendly, and familiar, voice chuckle softly behind us and I turned. “You’re responsible for the defeat of Solomon… the world’s First Evil…” he frowned slightly. “Did you really think we’d forget you?”

“Peter?!” My eyes widened in shock and I smiled as I saw my old friend.

“Ella…” he smiled back and then looked at each of us warmly. “He says…you can come home.”

“He?” I frowned, but was still smiling. “He who?”

“Who do you think?” Peter gave us a wry smile. “He says it’s about time the one’s willing to fight for those he loves sat in the Elder Hall…it was never meant for…and he’s paraphrased this for me,” Peter smirked. “A bunch of stuffy old men who sit… doing nothing while the world burns.”

“Oh my God…” Ashley gaped at me and then grinned like an idiot. “You said that to the Elders?!”

“I was a little more forceful in my delivery…with a few choice words being thrown out here and there…” I shrugged and smiled. “I don’t mind telling people where to shove it…no matter how important they think they are.” I heard thunder rumble lowly overhead ad I smiled at the sky. “Don’t think I won’t tell you where to get off either.”

Peter touched the side of his head and smiled. “He’s laughing…”

“Well…that’s good.” Ashley made a face at me and I just smiled.

I sighed, smiling as I looked up at Andy. “We can go home…

“Yes, my love.” He smirked slightly as he tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear. “We can go home.


See? Told you i wouldn't kill her ;)

As always, thankyou so much for reading! A few more comments would be nice next time though, my dears :)

Hope you enjoyed this little story!

Until next time,


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