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In which Yoongi & Jimin are the most powerful gay couple in the school and entertainment industry, but how long will they last?

In which Yoongi & Jimin are the most powerful gay couple in the school and entertainment industry, but how long will they last?

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Hi! Welcome to 'Luv In Skool'

This is a quick little twitter/instagram/snapchat... well social media story. No writing, probably. All social media post, meaning messages too💜.

Also somewhat slow updates :(


Main Ship: Yoonmin Ofc

Side Ships: Maybe hopekook, namjin, taekook, vhope, namkook, taejin. You'll never know 🤷🏻‍♂️


Umph, that's it ig. Enjoy The Fic!

 Enjoy The Fic!

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