Chapter 10

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The next day was going to be a little awkward and both Emily and JJ knew it. Even though the previous night all they did was kiss, it was still a very huge step for both of them, and neither of them was too sure about how to act around the other. This was a completely new situation and they knew it was going to take some time to get used to it.

JJ saw Emily by the coffee machine and for a moment she hesitated whether to walk up to her or not. But it only took her a second to decide that she wasn't going to avoid Emily again. Not after what had happened between them the previous night.

"Hey." She began, her voice barely audible, but loud enough for Emily to hear. She turned around and her heart jumped a little when she saw JJ.

"Hi." Emily replied and realized how nervous JJ really was. "Is everything okay?" She asked concerned.

"I'm fine." JJ answered and for the first time in a while she really wasn't lying. "I'm just a little freaked out." She admitted, but before Emily could say anything, JJ added, "But good freaked out."

"Well, good." Emily smiled. "Because if you want for us to ignore last night or forget it, we can..."

Emily didn't finish as she felt JJ's lips on hers and the blonde's hand on her neck. She got lost in the kiss for a moment, until they broke apart, because after all they were in a work place and they didn't feel like getting caught before they even knew what exactly was going on between them.

"Does that answer your question?" JJ asked, hopeful that she managed to convince Emily that she had no intention of ever forgetting the most amazing kiss she had ever had. Emily was so unbelievably relieved that JJ didn't seem to be too that scared of her feelings anymore.

"I guess it does." Emily grinned, but looked at JJ still a little bit worried. "Are you sure you're okay with... this?" Emily inquired, although she herself was not really sure what 'this' meant.

"I'm still a little baffled at what exactly is happening and a little scared about how strong my feelings for you have become in such a short time, but I'm definitely okay. I don't... I don't want this to go away." She finally said wanting to make sure that Emily knew exactly where she stood on the issue. She had no intention of letting Emily go. Not after she had found out what it felt like to be kissed by Emily Prentiss. There was no away JJ was going to give that up.

"I don't want this to go away either." Emily smiled brushing her hand softly against JJ's. And she really didn't. She had managed to keep her feelings for JJ hidden for such a long time that now there was no way she would be able to bury them again. She was still a little worried that JJ was going to change her mind or have a real freakout, but Emily had decided to take whatever she can get from the blonde. It may not have been the smartest decision, God knows she had her share of heartbreak falling for straight girls in the past, but it was different with JJ. With her, every single look, every single touch, every single kiss made her feel like she was on top of the world, and there was no way she was ever going to give it up. So come what may, for now she was going to take it slow with JJ and see where the road would lead them.

"Em, as much as I would love to just stay here and look at you all day long," JJ started after a while, "I do have some work to do. I still have some paperwork left over from yesterday plus a couple of new cases to go over."

"Yeah, it's not like I'm here on vacation either." Emily sighed. "So..." Emily began, but wasn't really sure where she was going with whatever she wanted to say.

"So, do you wanna come over after work?" JJ proposed, with her heart beating faster than it should when getting a cup of coffee before work. "You know, we'll hang out, you'll remind me again what it's like to kiss you?" She raised her eyebrows smiling and Emily almost fell over, her knees got so weak at the sight in front of her and the prospect of what was going to happen in the evening.

"I'd love to." Emily smiled and JJ sighed with relief. "Would 7pm be fine?"

"7 would be perfect." JJ agreed and looked around to make sure no one was watching them. Then she stole another little kiss from Emily and walked out, leaving Emily absolutely unable to concentrate on work for the next half an hour at least. She watched the blonde walk away and couldn't believe that this was really happening. The one woman she thought she could never have was now stealing kisses from her and looking at her like no one had ever looked at her before. And she knew it wasn't just friendship or affection. She wouldn't exactly call it love yet, either, but it was definitely something amazing and strong that made her very hopeful for the future.

Which is exactly how JJ felt about whatever it was that was starting between her and Emily. When she left Emily standing by the coffee machine in the morning, JJ could see how much Emily was looking forward to their evening together and truth be told, she was too. She couldn't remember the last time she was so anxious about something. She had dated her fair share of cute boys that made butterflies happen in her stomach, but nothing had prepared her for the way she felt around Emily. She had no idea that some of those feelings she had for the brunette even existed. And she had no idea how or why, but she knew that there was something absolutely amazing happening between her and Emily and she couldn't wait to find out what was in store for them.

But for now there was paperwork that needed to be done and hard as it was to concentrate on something other than Emily, JJ knew she had work to do. Besides, she knew that the sooner she was gonna do her job, the sooner she could go home to prepare for her date with Emily. Well, technically she didn't even know if this was a even a real date, but Emily was coming over and the hours couldn't pass fast enough for JJ.

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