Chapter 6

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In the next couple of days everyone at the BAU office seemed to be extremely busy and there was basically no time for any team interaction. Emily was pleased with such turn of events, because at least she didn't have much time to run into JJ, which would no doubt lead to more annoying thoughts about the beautiful media liaison. JJ, too, was a little relieved that she didn't have to spend that much time with Emily. On the one hand she missed talking to her on a daily basis, but on the other she was scared that if she got too close to Emily again, the weird feelings she had back in New Orleans and on the way from New Orleans would come back. And she wasn't sure if she was ready for that.

It was 7pm and JJ was ready to go home to finally get some rest, when she saw Garcia's blonde hair pop into her office.

"Grab your gear and let's go!" She said in a singing voice. "Girls night out!" Garcia grinned.

"Pen..." JJ tried to protest, but Garcia wouldn't let her speak.

"No, no, no..." The analyst cut her short. "No excuses. Em is in and we will not let you turn us down." Garcia warned her friend.

"But I..."

"What did I say about excuses?" Garcia shot JJ a 'Don't even try to argue with me' look.

"Okay, okay." JJ finally agreed, although the prospect of spending the entire evening with Emily made her a little uneasy. Which made her feel stupid, because Emily was her friend and she loved spending time with Emily. She loved sharing stupid stories with her, joking and seeing her smile. That beautiful smile and those captivating brown eyes...

I have got to stop doing this, JJ decided as she looked at Garcia and asked, "Just give me 10 minutes, okay?"

"You got it, but not a minute more." Garcia said and looked at JJ to make sure the liaison knew she wasn't kidding.

"Got it. I won't be long." She promised and Garcia disappeared into the hallway. JJ gathered the rest of her things and glanced at the mirror. She certainly didn't look her best after a hard day at work, but she thought she looked decent enough to be seen in public.

I can do this, she thought to herself as she took a deep breath and left her office.

"So whose turn is it to get the drinks?" Penelope Garcia asked as she looked at both her friends and tried to figure out who went to the bar most recently.

"I think it's JJ's." Emily said not really sure if she was right.

"No it's not." JJ protested. "I was just there. And the guy in the green shirt tried to hit on me." JJ winced at the thought and Emily was grateful that JJ had shot the guy down. But she knew that sooner or later there was gonna be a guy who JJ wouldn't shoot down and if she had to be honest with herself, she was dreading this moment.

"That's right." Garcia seemed to recall the situation. "He was kinda funny looking."

"I don't remember, really. I didn't pay that much attention." JJ admitted. "I wasn't interested anyway." She added and she could swear she heard Emily breathe a deep sigh of relief. But she was probably imagining things. Why would Emily care who she dates? She was probably relieved, because the guy was a loser.

"Coming back to my original question, whose turn is it to get the drinks?" Garcia asked again and looked at her friends more seriously. They both looked back at her and in that moment she knew it was her turn. "I'll be right back." She promised, took her wallet and started making her way towards the bar.

For a moment Emily and JJ sat in complete silence and Emily noticed that JJ was looking at her a little weird, in a way that she hadn't looked at her before. She was confused, because at some point she thought she had all of JJ's looks all figured out, but she couldn't figure out this one.

"Is something wrong?" She finally asked, because she no longer could stand the silence.

"No, everything is fine." JJ replied and hated herself for lying to Emily. "Why?"

"I don't know. You just seem... distant." Emily spoke softly and as she looked at JJ, she knew that she was definitely distressed about something. "Is there something bothering you? Is it me? Did I do something?"

"No!" JJ protested, a little too quickly to Emily's taste. "Why would you say that?"

"Because you barely spoke two words to me tonight." Emily started, "And it's not just tonight. You have barely spoken to me since we came back from New Orleans. I'm just worried about you, that's all."

"Don't be." JJ asked and sighed deeply. She had no idea her fear of being too close to Emily had been so apparent. She thought she had been doing a better job hiding her feelings, but then again this was Emily Prentiss she was talking about, one of the best profilers in the FBI. And even though JJ knew that Emily was probably not going to push the issue, she also knew that her friend would continue to worry about her and that was the last thing she wanted. She just didn't know how to be around Emily without having those unidentified feelings and flashbacks of their New Orleans kiss. If she kept feeling what she felt, though what that was she had no idea, there was no way Emily wouldn't be able to figure out that something was seriously wrong with her.

"You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?" Emily asked, a little troubled that JJ wouldn't talk to her about something that clearly on her mind.

"Of course I would." JJ promised, but she couldn't possibly talk to Emily about what was really going on inside her mind. She missed being able to tell Emily everything, but this was too weird to talk about to anyone, especially Emily.

"So, what did I miss?" Their thoughts were interrupted by their friend's voice and when they looked up they saw Garcia carrying a tray with three drinks.

"Finally!" JJ exclaimed and took one of the drinks. She was especially glad that Garcia was back, because she no longer had to keep convincing Emily that she was fine, when she really wasn't.

Garcia placed the tray on the table and made her way back to her seat. She took her drink and held it up.

"So what are we drinking to?" She asked and looked at her friends waiting for suggestions.

"I don't know. I think we have already drunk to everything that is toast-worthy." Emily chuckled. "We even drank to the pizza delivery guy that brought us pizza last week." She reminded them.

"Oh, he was hot!" Garcia said with a dreamy look on her face. "I wouldn't mind drinking with him." She added and all three girls laughed. After a while Garcia jumped out of her seat. "I know! I know!"

"What?" JJ asked curious, a little amused by Garcia's sudden outburst.

"I know what, or rather who, we should drink to." She made a small pause to make sure her friends were paying attention. "We should drink to us." She proposed. "After all, we are the coolest chicks on the planet!"

"That we are." Emily agreed and raised her glass. "To us."

And as they heard the glasses click, the three ladies got lost in their thoughts for a moment.

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