Chapter 1

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"Did we really have to take this case?" JJ asked in a disconsolate voice as she took her seat on the plane and pulled out some of the case files. "Didn't we just go to New Orleans like last month or something?"

"That was actually 4 months ago." Reid clarified. "And by the way, what exactly is your problem with New Orleans?"

"It's not so much New Orleans," Emily explained as she took her seat opposite JJ. "As a certain southern detective." She grinned as she looked at JJ meaningfully.

"Aha." Reid digested the information and waited for a second to remember exactly who Emily might be talking about. Then he continued. "So let me rephrase my question... What exactly is your problem with a certain southern detective?"

Reid looked at JJ expecting an answer, but instead of JJ, it was Emily who spoke.

"The detective is in love and JJ is giving him the cold shoulder." She recounted and grinned again.

"Thank you very much for this highly captivating recap of my love life." JJ shot, pretending to be mad at Emily, while in reality she was a little amused by the whole situation.

"Oh..." Reid nodded as he seemed to be starting to understand the problem. "I heard you gave him your card, so I thought you liked him or something."

"To be honest," JJ kept replaying the card giving scene in her mind as she spoke, "I don't know what possessed me to do that. I mean sure he was nice to me and all, but did I really want him to call me? Hell no!"

"Should have thought of that before." Emily pointed out and she couldn't help but chuckle a little. She was clearly having fun at JJ's expense and thought that her friend's predicament was source of good entertainment. But at the same time, if she had to be honest with herself, she felt a great relief that JJ wasn't interested in the guy.

"Yeah well, it's not like you have never done anything that you later on regretted." JJ shot back at her friend, as she was sure she was not the only person to ever do something stupid, like give her phone number to someone who she really didn't want a phone call from.

Emily smiled and winked at her, "If you only knew honey. If you only knew."

"I'll gladly hear some stories." JJ smiled and looked at Emily encouragingly.

"Oh no no, not this time." Emily protested. "Right now it's the 'gang up on JJ and tease her about her southern admirer' time."

Reid laughed and JJ hit him on the head with a stack of papers. "You traitor!" She shot him an 'I'm gonna kill you later' look.

"Hey, not my fault that Emily seems to like seeing you in pain." He tried to defend himself. "I'm just going with the flow and concentrating on the hottest topic at hand." He smirked.

"And since the hottest topic seems to be you and your detective..." Emily started but JJ cut her short.

"First of all, he is not my detective." JJ made sure everyone knew that. "And no matter how much he may want it, it ain't gonna happen."

"So he does want something?" Emily looked at JJ with a more serious expression on her face.

"Honestly I don't know exactly what he wants, but I have no intention of ever finding out." JJ explained her stance on the issue. "I just wish he would stop calling me all the time. I mean I didn't wanna go out with him last week, what makes him think I'm gonna change my mind this week?"

"Looks like he has been quite persistent, huh?" Emily asked.

"Kind of." JJ admitted, slightly irritated as she thought of Will's phone calls. "I mean the first two or three times were OK and we talked for a bit and joked, but I made it clear that I didn't see us ever going out or anything. " she said and paused for a moment. "At least I thought I made it clear. But apparently I didn't, since he kept calling. I don't know how else to tell him that I am just not into his southern charm or whatever it is that he thinks he has going for him."

"Looks like it's gonna be so much fun for you to work with him again." Emily said, stressing the word 'fun'.

"Yeah, I just can't wait." JJ sighed.

"Hey, if you want I can take care of him." Derek Morgan suddenly joined the conversation and startled the other three agents a little bit, because they had no idea he was listening in.

"Thanks, Derek." JJ smiled at him. "I don't think I will be taking you up on your offer, though."

"Your loss." Derek grinned. "I would have had so much fun letting the guy down easy."

"Yeah right." Emily laughed. "I'm scared to even think about what your definition of easy is." She added in between laughs.

"Hey, I'm a gentle guy." Derek insisted. "Just ask..." He paused for a moment trying to come up with a name, but somehow it didn't come to him.

"My point exactly." Emily said awfully proud of herself. "But don't worry, we still love you." She gave Derek an encouraging look and smiled at him, to which he quickly responded with his own smile.

"Yes we do." JJ agreed. "And if I need help with you know who, I will be sure to let you know." She finished with a huge grin on her face.

"You do that." Derek nodded, grinning as well. "I will be happy to assist."

"Am I safe to assume that those grins aren't about the case?" The four of them suddenly heard Hotch's accusing voice above their heads and looked up to see their boss. "Unless there is something about the case that I'm missing?" he asked and looked at them meaningfully.

"Sorry, Hotch." JJ was the first one to speak as she shot Hotch an apologetic glance. "We got a little bit distracted."

"Yeah, I noticed that." Hotch said nodding his head.

"We're going back to the case right now." Derek promised and looked at JJ. "So, what do we know?"

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