Vampires are creatures created from the foundations of bloodlust and animalistic instincts, it is in our nature to hunt, kill, experience overwhelming lust. Back in the days when vampires went out of control, hellhounds were created to get our number to a minimum. When even the hellhounds stood on shaky ground, the lord casts a curse on us.

We were not to be set free of our restraining haven until of a mature age of a century, that is the age our resistant and self control was strong enough to be set free, live with the mortals and hopefully find our mates (not many does). However every creature has its flaw and vampire's were alcohol. Fortunately our high metabolism rate burns the alcohol at a inhumane rate but vampires are known to be hard drinkers.

Both blood and alcohol.

To put it simply they are like crack to them crack heads. Impossible to live without blood and almost impossible without alcohol. The unfortunate vampires that gives in to the temptation, easy to say most of them ended up causing massacres and then finally, death. But a good average daily dose should be fine.

Unlike the others that roam the world at one hundred and experiencing the new age, my brother and i like peace. We have been living an isolated life since our transactions and have forever been uninterested in the human's knowledge, been so since two centuries ago.

"But my dear." He stopped in front of the door. "Yes, brother mine?"

"Do they really do these, unnecessaries?"

"I do." I reassured, "And do not fret about entertainment and lighting, I recall there's people paid to do it." He nodded again, assured and left my room with door ajar.

Sighing I left the comfort of the bed and stretched out, resulting in nothing. I don't know why humans do this in the morning but copying humans habits drive the suspicion away, just like smiling, laughing, chest movement resembling breathing since we don't breath and even blinking.

All useless.

Closing the door he left open, I proceed to step into the shower and disposing of my nightwear into the wastebasket. At first it was weird how water run freely from this little metal head like a tiny streams. The time I was born in, the chambermaids would fetch water from the well or river, heat it up accordingly and then used to wash me.

How I missed those days, time when people heed our needs hand and foot.

When done with the morning shower and wrapped myself with a towel, I stared at myself in the mirror as I passed it. My reflection stared back at me with those icy blue eyes, the eyes of a heartless murderer. Murderer? No, this is what I truly am. I can't deny what I am for I am proud of my heritage.

I leaned closer to the mirror and raised my lips just a small range, flashing my two sharp pointed teeth-fangs. Is it just me or have they grown longer? I retract them slightly to resemble a human's canines and started pacing. Humans exhibit signs of distress such as constant movement.

Glancing once more at the mirror I turned on my heels and walked to the closet, one hand opening the door to the walk in closet while the other clutched onto the top of the towel. Dressing up was my least favourite time of the day, I had to coordinate these pieces of clothing with names I felt unworthy of my time to remember. Back then it was all decided by the tasteful picks of the chambermaids and not once have I showed my disdain.

I sighed.

Taking what seemed like a loose corset attached with strings, I threw it onto the bed along with skimpy underclothes and a pair of-I had taken the effort to recognize-jeans. Though the top does exposes more than i would like...I took a black leather jacket from the hanger and put it on.

Once I dressed, I sat down in front of the dresser and went through the steps needed when applying make up which I had quickly mastered in no time since it was no different than the old days. I swiped cherry flavoured lip-gloss and ran my hand through my hair a few times.

In the kitchen, I saw brother gulping down a packet of o positive blood straight from the packet. "Watch your clothes brother." I reminded softly, taking out a packet for myself and draining it into a glass. Taking little sips of the blood at a time, I stood the entire time. We hardly felt the need to switch positions every once a while.

Tipping the glass the finished it and placed the glass in the sink, I abhor the fact I have to clean up myself alas brother had not thought of everything including the maids to clean our residence. The supply of blood in our refrigerator would bring up minor complications.

Wordlessly we made our way to the car and brother was swift to manoeuvre out of the house compound and into the wide main road.

Bees i believe to be the hardest workers anyone could ask for. To serve their queen and maintain their hive in such an orderly manner amazes me. Humans, teenagers in high school are akin to bees. They follow the highest ranking individual and will do anything to get in their good graces.

In this school, the queen bee happens to be my brother and I. Much to my displeasure, the flawless beauty of our kind can't be ignored.

Brother parked the car mindlessly; no matter where we were humans were sure to flock around us. Turning off the engine, my side of the door opened effortlessly by some human. Whispering a thank you, I stepped out with ease, easily dismissing him with a flick of my hand. I had hopped my cold exterior drew them away but it did the opposite.

In fact they loved the fact I was cold to the bone and it irritates me somewhat.

While I despise the attention, Lester basks fondly in them. He once said to me to be loved equals as to be obese, meaning the source of a fresh feed would be endless. I scoffed internally, would it really be worth the hassle? No, my brother was wrong. Love isn't that simple, love is simply attachment and in a sense, a weakness.

"Lestaria, would you have the honour of becoming my date this Friday?"

I hadn't quite caught what he was referring to nevertheless it was an invitation, "No." I began to walk away, knowing Lester would be close on my heels and as I walked I caught a distant recognizable back, one that I'm familiar with without a hitch. It was him. How could it be?

I stopped dead in my track only to dash with my inhuman speed towards the figure, when I turned around the corner he was gone. My eyes wandered frantically to catch a glimpse of him but he wasn't there anymore. It must've been my imagination, he couldn't possibly be alive.

He couldn't be, I had killed him.

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