Siren's summon

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As usual, another unedited chapter. Its been a while since i updated this story, i wonder if this chapter is good enough? I dropped a few hints in here. Try to figure it out. 

Chapter three.

 I woke up, still feeling as if I’m staring into the depths of those glowing red eyes. Every time I close my eyes the image would be clearer and immediately I opened them. What could this possibly mean?

Lester’s words echoes in my head.

Demons, creatures of fire.

Jeremy’s grave, what is the connection between these two. I suddenly felt faint and closed the curtains tightly together. I passed the dresser to have a steaming hot shower when something caught my eye.

I stepped closer to the mirror and crane my neck to the side and gasped.

It was small but undeniably there, I hesitantly touched it and it glowed faintly. I stared unblinkingly at the small tattoo, or mark as it is more likely to be one until it dimmed and return to its earlier state. The mark didn’t have a define shape as it is just a bunch uncompleted lines at the hollow of my neck, the spot where shoulder and neck meets.

How on earth did I obtain such a mark?

Then my thoughts suddenly steered towards that dream, no it couldn’t be. Nothing makes sense.

I refuse to dwell on it any longer and decided to take that shower I intended. It would ease the confusion out of my mind. After I got dressed, an appropriate attire that covers the mark, I headed down the stairs.


"Yes, yes, how many? Around fifty. I would like that, thank you." I hung up, "Brother, plans had been made. They will handle everything." I set my phone down on the table and sat down for breakfast, I lift the glass to my lips.

"Humans don’t change much after two centuries." I took a sip of blood. "Money, politics and chaos. Honestly, I think it has gotten worse. It costs a small fortune just to have men working." Lester smirked, staring at me take tiny sips of sustenance at a time.

"I find it quite amusing." 

"Of course you would brother." 

We stepped out of the car only to be swarmed by annoying mortals. Both male and female rushed into us. Lester took his time, entertaining the girls before he made his way to me and we walked side by side into the school hall. 

My mind swirled around the unfinished puzzle, demon and what not. At first i wanted to tell Lester everything, about my dreams and the mark but something inside of me protested. Almost painfully rebelling. Its shocking, i had never hidden anything from Lester. He's my brother, my saviour and my everything. Without him, my existence means nothing.

Even Jeremy was placed second after him.

And now, i find myself conflicted. 

Something about those eyes, made me feel protective yet somewhat longing. I subconsciously placed my hand on my still heart. 

"Sister? IS something amiss?" I wanted to say yes, desperately, but i kept mum, managing a small shake. Though, something definitely feels amiss. 

"Very well."

I followed Lester silently into the classroom even as he pulled my chair for me and seated himself beside. The teacher soon entered and we proceeded to study, which Lester and I didn't comprehend the need to understand but absorbed the information nonetheless.

The bell rang and the students all but rushed out, trying to squeeze their way out hurriedly while Lester and i stayed behind, waiting for the hassle to disperse. soon, the door could be used leisurely and we both stepped out. The moment my right foot stepped out the doorway, my mark began to turn warm and it sent shivers down my spine.

A pleasurable shiver.

I frowned, my hand had already reached my neck before i willed it so. As fast as it came, it was gone. I looked back, i swear just now i felt eyes staring at me. 

Could i possibly hallucinating as well? 

I found Lester staring at me with serious eyes, tapping on his chin like so. "Let's be haste, brother." I urged, distracting him from thinking too deep of my earlier behaviour. Though knowing Lester, it would not work. 

I walked away first in hopes that he'll put my recently suspicious behaviour behind. He wouldn't.

By the time lunch break's bell rang, i was knee deep in my thoughts and paid absolutely no attention to my surroundings. That and the constant ache of Lester's mind trying to break through mine. Trying to scoop out all my secrets and worries, probably. He should have known better than to try to barge into my mind, harder than granite as it is. 

His effort grew futile.

"Les, you worry me. You're hiding something." As if constantly knocking on my mind shield isn't a sure sign.

"I am merely thinking." I protested, finding his worry unnecessary and his tone accusing. Outrage consumed me the more i considered it an accusation. Though he had a reason to be. Suddenly, feeling overwhelmed and suffocated by my own thoughts, i stormed out leaving my untouched tray and worried brother behind.

From behind me i heard Lester mutter, "I though she left her hormones behind during the transition." 

I scowled, that was not the reason. MALES!

I ran back home, not experiencing fatigue once i reached the doorstep. I grasp the knob and twisted it open. A gush of air blew my hair behind through i remain rooted at the spot. My eyes flinched for a second, just a second. The scent of...spices, dark spices wafted and i greedily inhaled it. For what reason? I didn't know. It had been at the spur of the moment. 

My hunting skills are far too superior and immediately i knew someone or something had been in my home. Intruder. My inner vampire hissed, not liking it one bit yet somehow loving the scent. 

My fangs elongate on their own and i assumed my eyes flashed red. I dashed upstairs, checking every room in the house but none of them disturbed. I then entered my room and the scent was stronger than ever. 

annihilate...protect... intruder...

I frowned, the intruder makes my inner vampire thrash around in abandon, conflicted between a strong wave of possession and protectiveness i had never been privy to yet wanting to destroy and annihilate as it is in her nature. 

My mark burned, scorching my deathly cold skin. I flinched when my finger came in contact with it. It burned hotter than hell's fire. 

Musssst ressssisssst.

Again, it spurred my inner vampire to struggle. The illusive flames sprouted from the mark licked my skin, spreading its deathly grip on my body slowly but determined. My knees gave away and i feel as a heap on the floor. The heat slithered its way around my throat and squeezed. 

Before i knew it, the flames had me captive, holding me hostage in their fiery depth. 

My eyes fluttered close, once shut...i heard it...a sinfully delicious voice, urging me to let go, go to him. At the same time, rendering me helpless. 

Come to me my sweet...

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