The first beat

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 Chapter eight

"I still can't believe i slept so soundly yesterday." I mused, picking a red plastic cup from under the couch and disposing it into the black trash bag. And yet why do i still feel so tired? I tied the opening into a knot and placed it onto the neatly piled trash bag stash. "Maybe it was the sun. Yesterday certainly was a sunny day." I untied the bandana i used to hold my hair back.

"Lester? Are you even listening to me?"

"Hmm? Oh yea, i'm listening. What were you saying?" He looked up from wiping the counter table. I've never seen him so aloof before. It was like there's always something lingering in his mind causing him to lose focus. "Never mind, it wasn't important anyway." I waved my suspicions aside and headed into the cold storage.

"Can you get more O negatives? We're running out." I asked but there was no response. "Lester, i said can you run out and get more O negatives? Lester?" I huffed angrily and stepped out of the cold storage. "LESTER!! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!" I stormed to him and slammed my hands onto the counter top he was wiping, resulting in a clean crack in the middle as it broke apart.

"You didn't have to destroy it, sister." Lester said dully. I was speechless and shocked at my myself, never have i, Lestaria Vladimir, exploded over something so trivial. "I...I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." Raising my hands to my eyes, they were...trembling?

"Excuse me." In a flurry of fabric, i dashed upstairs and into my room. Locking the door behind me. Why...why do i feel so heavy? So...i don't know what's happening to me. Overwhelmed, my hands itched and i submitted to the urge. One step led me across the room, to my dress table and in a blink it was broken into million splinters. Shocked, i blinked again and this time the bed broke in half. What is wrong with me? Hot and fiery bubbles of emotions rose to the surface.

Panting, my room was torn from every end. tasting a fragment of my anger filled haze. 

"SISTER!" I spun around, too absorbed in the white hot rage. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!" I launched myself at him, sending us both flying through walls, landing in a heap of debris. 

Calm down sister mine. Your brother is here, calm down vampre. 

True to the calling of it's blood, my inner vampire let low, soothes and mellowed. Then, something much worst happened. "S...sister. Your...eyes." Lester looked at me with alarm, gripping my arms incessantly strong. My eyes?

I touched them and felt the foreign texture of liquid. 

"!" I abruptly pulled away from Lester and furiously wiped my cheeks. "This can't be true. Lester, i'm....broken. I need help." I pleaded and he gathered me in his arms, letting my bloody tears soaked through his white shirt. "I'm afraid." For the first time in forever, i indeed felt fear. the most strange and distant emotion a vampire could experience. Fear wasn't instilled in vampires, it was against our nature. Against a predator's nature. Fear is a disease! Yet, how am i infected? 

"Uncle Arthur, we must get you to uncle, time." He scored his wrist and chanted, reciting the familial bond vow to summon our Uncle, the only relative we have left.

"You rang youngins?"

"Help her!" Lester lift me up, as i slowly moved my face away from the shield which is his chest.

"Oh my, its moving rather fast." He frowned, grabbing my chin and inpecting my neck. "Oh dear, quite a troublesome one we have here." He let it go and patted my head, "There, there, dearie. Let's get you relaxed, shall we?"  

He dematerialized and materialized in a heartbeat. "Here, gulp this all down now." I took it hastily. It was blood, pure and delactable. As it drained empty, i refused to let the plastic go. It was oh so so good. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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