Distant memory

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Chapter 1

The autumn leaves fell gracefully with the gentle wind, the rustling and whooshing intertwined into a delightful melody. As the cold wind hits my face I frowned, i long to feel the calmness the breeze bring. The long tresses of my hair blew backwards and I closed my eyes, pretending I could feel the gentle autumn breeze.

"Excuse me Miss, you haven't happened to stumble upon a little fiery headed girl?" Humans, I told myself. And male too, "I might have. W hat will I get in return if I happen to tell a strange man such as yourself?" I had my back facing him, although his smell is overwhelmingly tempting and the blood rushing in his veins. Oh my.

"Forgive me for I have nothing to offer, but perhaps my utmost gratitude?" I smiled untouched-I can never feel anything. It's a curse in return for an immortal life. "Hardly sufficient, she is by the lake. Better hurry, the sky is getting darker." I noted, glancing at the orange and pink hue of the sky.

"Thank you." I felt him bend in courtesy and I still made no movement of turning, no matter how rude it seemed. I listened to his steps walk away until it stopped nowhere near the exit. "My name is Jeremy Colfer, may I know your name?"

"Lestaria Vladimir."

I hardly felt the need to see his face but for some reason I can't help myself. What I saw stunned me, his green eyes spoke of happiness, laughter...life. So dark yet it gleamed. It was terrible for it made me long for things I incapable of obtaining. It was truly the colour of greed.

I flipped my eyes open, feeling the familiar nothingness once again. It was a dream; the same dream I get every night these past few years. In these dreams it would always end when I looked into his eyes. Those eyes. It was uncalled for a vampire to have dreams. We do everything humans can and can't, including eating human food. When we sleep-that was it. We just simply slept, we don't dream nor have nightmares.

That was what made us the living dead, we lived but we don't breath. We sleep but we don't dream. We eat but we don't taste. We smile but we don't feel.

We are forever trapped in this daze of eternalness.

"Les, you're awake." As I am every other day, I mused. "Yes brother."

"Daniel and the others had asked to come to our house for a...party?" I cocked a brow. "Do you mean a celebration party dear brother?"

"To celebrate our victory this season, yes." It's currently the year 2012, two hundred years since i last saw the society after being caged in a cave with my brother for the sake of 'a better future' (the only place we were allowed to step on beside th cave was the Golden Forest) and two weeks of freedom thus here we are, still unaccustomed to their frivolous ways. I often find myself wondering how they could be such shameful and do not mind exposing so much skin, especially the females. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

"Dear sister, how do I make do this...party." That I thought some time about, some human girls had dragged me around to these so-called parties and it definitely includes extravagance.

"Oh brother, you forced me in a cave for two hundred years since my transaction. You assume i would know? Alas, I attended some of these parties and intrigued by a man in the middle of the room. I asked an acquaintance of mine and she said his name was 'Dj'. You have to find this man, he must be very important. Instead of champagne glasses they have this filthy red cups and it hold a strange brownish liquid. Beer as they name it."

He nodded seriously, brows narrowed. "I understand, I shall seek out this 'Dj', accumulate a number of red cups and beer?" He questioned, "Yes, those brownish drinks they serve, i believe it has been invented even during our time, quite famous actually but its against propriety for a lady to drink such a barbaric concoction. Oh i suppose we both wouldn't know being alcoholic celibates."

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