Chillin Like A Villain 4

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After Mal helped herself and Jay they were heading back to the boys room when the press spotted them and chased them. Both of them dived into Jay and Carlos' room finally and had their backs against the door. Panting, the didn't notice Carlos for a second who was looking up how to get out of the friend zone and as Jane to the Cotillion, he had tried after everyone left the Amphitheatre but it got side tracked majorly. Jay lifted himself way from the door and went to flop on his bed while Mal started freaking out, the TV didn't help either of them and caused Mal's eyes to glow green.

"Whoa, easy girl."

"What you think this is easy. You don't have people taking photo's of you every time you open your mouth to say boo." Mal snapped at Carlos

"I mean not that I could even say boo but you, you know.." she sighs calming down

"I'm sorry...hey you okay man." Carlos asked his best friend

"No we were walking along fine and then some said Hey Jay and Mal and out of nowhere they pounced. They're worse than your mother." Jay replied

"Carlos, don't you ever miss screaming at people and just making them run away from you." Mal questioned their friend.

"You're thinking of my mother and I was usually on the other end of that so no. Not really." he answered. Mal shook her head.

"oh hey, did you bring it?" Jay looked at the two who were now speaking between each other.he sat up as Mal looked at her hand but before they could exchange the door to their room opened, all three watched as Chad snuck in not even noticing they were all there and closed the door. He finally noticed.

" hi" he chuckled awkwardly "just came to use your 3D Printer. Won't be a sec." he told them

"How did you get a key to our room?" Carlos asked

"Oh I printed it off the last time I was here. You were sleeping. look you're printer is so much better than mine, you've got those hacks and it runs a lot more smoother that mine." Mal was amused and Jay was too if it wasn't so creepy.

"Out." Carlos ordered "Now" Chad rolled is eyes turning around

"Chad." he turned back


"Leave the key." Chad reluctantly left it and the room Carlos looked back to Mal.


"Humm" she replied coming out of her daze

"You have my potion?" he wondered and Jay stood up to join them.

"Yeah, she opened a small tin and brought out a capsule that had a small dosage of potion.

"So this thing will make me say what I really feel to Jane?"

"yeah I mean, this is a truth gummy, so..take it or leave it." she shrugged


"Hold on are you sure you wanna be taking this? This will make you say the truth all the time no matter what the reason. And the only reason I'm asking is I know if it took this right now, I would get myself sent back to the isle. Which its not like that sound super unappealing but, you know."

"Yeah i'll take my chances I guess." she lowered her hand and dude took this chance to take the gummy. Mal gasped.

"Bad dog." Dude shook and he started grunting causing the three to look shocked

"Man that think tasted nasty." All three were opened mouthed "And you, you just gotta man up." he told Carlos "And while you're at it scratch my butt."

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