A Real Family Broken

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It had been a while since i took a mission but i had to so it was different. Not being at home with Blake, Yang and Kali.

Waking up in a bed with no one next to me, so when i saw my house infront of me after the mission i was elevated.

Opening the door i saw Yang sitting on the floor and she looked upset, her eyes were red for some reason and her hair looked brighter.

Kali was sitting on a sofa with Blake on her lap, there was a pair of broken scissors on the coffee table as well.

Me: I'm home...?

Yang turned to me excited and began crawling towards me. I went over to her picking me up and kissing her forehead

Kali: Yang's on time out at the moment

Me: I'm sure she's learnt her lesson by now

Kali: I tried to trim her hair and she broke the scissors

Looking to Yang she giggled so i booped her on the nose. She pointed to Blake and pleaded

Yang: Dada... Bake

Me: No no, it's Blake

Yang: Bake!

Well i guess she's going through a phase... although she's really attached to Blake for some reason.

Going over to Kali and Blake i sat down with Yang on my lap, reaching over i gently rubbed Blake's faunas ears as she slept.

Me: You excited for your birthday in a few weeks?

Yang: Birfday!

Me: That's right, you'll be one year old!

Blake began to wake up so Yang crawled off my lap and towards her, Kali leaned her head on my shoulder and i wrapped my arm around her.

Kali: Welcome home

Me: It's good to be home

Kali: How was your mission

Me: Different, a bird kept following me for some reason

Yang: Birb...

I wonder what Blake thinks about Yang, i know that Yang is attached to her but i'm not sure if it's the same the other way around.

Big Timeskip

Yang: Do you have to go...?

I crouched down and placed my hand on Yang's shoulder before kissing her on the forehead

Me: I'll be back before know it-

?: Daddy!

I looked up to see Blake running towards me, opening my arms she threw herself into them as we hugged each other.

Me: Hey Kitty... what are you doing up this late?

Blake: i don't want you to go!

Me: It won't be long

Blake: NO!

She buried her head in my chest and began to cry, Kali came up to us but i gestured for her to stop.

Taking off a ribbon around my arm i moved Blake slightly and wrapped it over her faunas ears.

Me: How about this, you know how we love the way your ears look?

Blake: Yeah...

Me: Then until i come back, you won't take off this bow okay?

Blake: *sniff* you promise?

I stuck my pinky finger out to her and she took it in her own, he shook before Yang and Kali came over and we shared a hug together.

I let go of the hug before walking to the door, Kali came up to me one more time and we shared a kiss.

Walking out the door i saw Qrow who was leaning against a tree.

Qrow: You ready?

Me: Yeah i just... don't like leaving them behind. They're too young

Qrow: Please, when i was five i killed my first Grimm

Me: You were raised by a bandit tribe


Ambushed, outnumber and outgunned... that's the situation we found ourselves in.

Qrow had been shot in the shoulder and both out aura's had worn themselves out.

Qrow: Sorry i got you dragged into this mess

Me: Those sound like words of a quitter, you won't quitting are you?

I peaked above my cover and fired a few shots at the enemy and ducked back down when they fired back.

Qrow's cover was destroyed so he got up to find some more, a hail of bullets were sent his way so out of instinct i ran out and pulled him into cover.

They grazed the side of my face but that was about it. Leaning back i panted before reloading.

Qrow: Just save yourself... i'm nothing but bad luck

Me: Listen! We're going to get back, Yang and Blake need their uncle and father

A dust grenade was thrown over our cover so i kicked it away, sadly it exploded but only i was hit.

Being flung off an edge Qrow called out for me but i wasn't paying attention to that nor my wounds.

No i was thinking about home and the look and everyone's faces for when i came back.

Landing on the ground my leg out a sickening crack as i groaned quietly, dragging myself to a tree i propped myself up.

Someone began to approach me, they wore a grimm mask that covered all of their face and had long black hair.

They crouched down and went to check if i was alright, suddenly a bandit came into view and pointed their gun at us.

They fired and missed which caused the person in the mask to turn around, i pulled out my gun and fired at them.

Falling dead to the ground the masked person looked to me as my arm fell.

Me: You can't kill me... you can't kill me

Raven's pov

Quickly Y/N fell unconscious so i brought out my sword and slashed at the air creating a portal.

I took Y/N back to the camp and set him up in a medical tent as i began to treat his wounds.

He had shrapnel wounds and his right leg was badly burnt but he could still use it aftet enough time.

Setting him up with an i.v drip i sat next to him and waited for him to wake up.

I regret leaving him... leaving Yang. Because of it he moved and re-married, hell he even had another kid.

Yet i noticed something... around his neck was my necklace and his ring. He-he still kept them?

After all i've done, Y/N still wants to know where i am but i won't let Qrow let him know.

I waited for him to wake up for days only occasionally leaving his side but when i came back we was waking up.

I rushed to his side and held one of his hands as he sat up and held his head, groaning slightly.

Y/N: Where... where am i?

Me: Y/N you're at my tribe's camp. How are you feeling?

Y/N: I'm sorry but... who are you?

(Lemme know what you think)

Deep Seeded Love: Kali x Male Reader x Raven {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now