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Nearly 15 years later, Padfoot was struggling to restrain Moony. He would not let Moony hurt Harry. After few minutes of a fierce fight, Moony, probably getting some control over himself, ran into the Forbidden Forest, away from children.

Sirius was bleeding badly, but he then heard Harry's voice. "Sirius, he's gone, Pettigrew transformed!"

Without waiting a moment, Padfoot ran in the direction where Harry was pointing. Peter would not escape tonight. Today he would pay for betraying James and Lily.

Near the Great Lake, Sirius spotted the rat, but as he pounced towards it, an unnatural chill began to fall over the place.

At least a hundred Dementors were gliding down towards the bank of the lake.

Padfoot transformed back into human form, and saw his blood draining into the lake. He still had Snape's wand with him, and for a moment, considered trying to cast the Patronus charm.

In a flash, he remembered another night, much like this, when Padfoot saw his own blood flow into the lake, and Prongs had appeared, his antlers bent, to protect Padfoot from Moony. But it wouldn't happen this time...because...Prongs was gone...forever...

"No," groaned Sirius. "No...please..."

The Dementors swooped down.

"James...I promise I won't let anything happen to you. You will come out of the war safely..."

Sirius vaguely heard Harry rushing over, and trying to produce a Patronus.

"Next time you go down in the dumps like this, it'll be 'cause I joined Voldemort."

"That'll never exactly happen."


Sirius shuddered and rolled over, his heart breaking all over again. He felt Harry grasping his arm, whispering, "No-he's innocent...innocent..."

"You're my brother, Padfoot. I trust you more than Lily and Dumbledore."

He was losing consciousness. He gave up.

"Love you, friend...whatever..."

"Quit the drama, mate. But love you too."

As the nearest Dementor started to force his face upwards, he felt, more than saw, a blinding white light in the vicinity.

Sirius forced himself to open his eyes.

It was beautiful stag Patronus, repelling the Dementors.

It was Prongs.

Of course, Prongs would be the one to protect him, just like he had done right from the day they had met.

There are some things that never change...after twelve years, Sirius finally sensed his best friend's presence again, and he never wanted to lose it.

I miss you, Prongs, Sirius thought as he finally lost consciousness.


Later that night, Sirius was locked in Flitwick's office on the 7th floor. Fudge had warned him that he would be back shortly with the Dementors.

But Dumbledore believed him, and Sirius trusted the wise old man to save him.

What he hadn't anticipated was that Harry and Hermione would come flying beside the window on a Hippogriff. He rushed to the window to open the lock.

Hermione unlocked the door.

"How-how?" he said weakly.

"Get on-there's not much time. You've got to get out of here-the Dementors are coming. Macnair's gone to get them," said Harry.

Sirius slipped through the window bars and got on the Hippogriff which Harry called Buckbeak.

They landed on the terrace.

"Sirius, you'd better go quick," panted Harry.

After making sure that Ron, Harry's other friend, would be all right, Sirius got ready to leave on Buckbeak.

"How can I ever thank-" began Sirius.

"GO!" said Harry and Hermione.

"We'll meet again, Harry. You are...truly your father's son."

Sirius flew away on the Hippogriff, thinking about how much like James Harry was...and maybe he had finally got James back.

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