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i woke up and got ready for school, not really looking forward to it as always. i walked out the front door and started my walk to school. the weather was cold today. the wind blowing, the sun nowhere to be seen, the white smoke coming from my mouth every time i release a puff of air.


i opened the school door to be met by the warm and cozy heat emitting from the school heating system. thank god, they finally decide to put it to use. i grabbed my things from my locker and immediately headed to my first period.


i walked inside to see the usual people that are always early. my teacher, mr. kim, was organizing papers on his desk and preparing today's lesson on the white board. there's also this other kid that always come earlier than me, i think his name is park jisung or something, never really cared to be honest. he waved to me and gave me a slight smile, but i awkwardly waved back trying to avoid any kind of contact with him- scratch that, with anyone. i walked to my seat and placed my head on my desk until the bell finally rang, following with the stampede of my fellow peers rushing into the classroom.

an hour and almost a half later, class finally ended and i continued on with my day going to my other classes. it's weird how i have every single class with that jisung kid, and it's even weirder how he's always earlier than me when i swear he comes out of class later than me.


it was lunch time and i got in line to quickly grab a drink and a bag of chips for lunch. as i waited, mark and donghyuck walked up to me. "hey," they both greeted me at the same time.

"hello." i quietly greeted them back. "hey, do you guys know this kid named park jisung? i always see him around school but i've never seen anyone even acknowledging his existence." i decided to ask them the question that's been bugging my mind all day.

"..who?" donghyuck slowly asked in confusion. he's a popular kid, he knows nearly everyone in this school, yet he doesn't know who jisung is.

"uhh..never heard of him." mark joined the conversation. his voice sounded slightly hesitant, but i just ignored it thinking it was nothing.

"hmm, that's weird. he's in all of my classes, and always beats me to class even though i always get out before him." i explained to them why i started showing interest in this jisung.

"i guess i can try to find out who he is. i'll tell you tomorrow once i find out some kind of information on him." donghyuck said, and i just nodded to show my agreement.

minutes later, all three of us finally got our food and sat down at the small table that's located near the corner. we found it to be a small, secluded space where we can talk amongst ourselves without being interrupted by any outsiders.


after lunch was over, we said goodbye and went our separate ways to go to our last period of the day. my last period was chinese class, and i did not feel like paying attention in class today. i ended up blanking out and staring at the board for a very, abnormally long period of time without realizing it until the bell rang, bringing me out of my small trance.

a/n: ugGgGh i planned most of the storyline ahead before i started typing but i feel like i'm just going with the flow and it might mess up the entire plot :(

donghyuck and mark are her best friends btw if u didn't get that while reading the chapter

have a good day/afternoon/evening/night.
stay healthy 💖

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