RK800 Connor x Male! Reader

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Warnings: fluff, mean Gavin
You were walking to the kitchen when you heard Gavin and Connor talking. You stopped.

"Get me a coffee dipshit!" You heard Gavin yell. You walked closer to the door to watch the exchange. Connor stood there for a second before answering.

"I'm sorry. I only take orders from Lieutenant Anderson and Detective Y/N," Connor made unwavering eye contact. Gavin turned around and laughed looking at his cop friend sitting at the table. He then turned and sucker punched Connor in the stomach. Connor dropped to the floor.

"Aye! Fuck off, Reed!" You yelled angerly. You walked up to him and shoved him back. He stumbled.

"What? Why do you give a shit about this piece of plastic?" He asked laughing. It made you angry. You walked closer to him and shoved a finger in his chest.
"Stay away from Connor," you sneered. Gavin's never seen you angry before, he was frightened but he would never admit that.

"Whatever," He rolled his eyes. He walked away with the other cop. You sighed and walked over to Conner.

You reached your hand out to Connor and he grabbed it pulling himself up. He straightened up. You reached out and fixed his tie.

"You okay?" You asked fixing his jacket. Connor loved when you fittled with his tie or jacket, trying to make it look perfect. He would sometimes mess them up on purpose just so you would fix it.

"Yes. I don't feel pain," he stated looking at you. You chuckled. Connor loved your eyes when you laughed, they always sparkled.

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"I'm glad you're okay then," you smiled. You walked around him to the coffee pot, pouring out a cup.

"My other experiences with humans usually follow along the lines of my encounter with Detective Reed. You however, are entirely different. Why?" He asked as you turned around.

"Everyone deserves to be treated fairly. Just because you aren't human doesn't mean you deserve to be kicked around." You answered simply.

"And maybe I happen to like you a bit more than other people," you grinned, winking. You laughed walking by him patting him on the shoulder.

"See you around Connor." Connor stood standing there for a few seconds dazed. His chest was tingling from when you fixed his clothes. You sent him into a whirlwind everytime you were around. Everything in his programming told him to stay away from you. You were weakening his system. You were dangerous.

But god nothing ever made him feel like you do. He wanted more and more. Maybe he's defective? Or maybe this is what emotion feels like. Connor was terrified. But he wanted you and that's all he knew.

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