Mycroft Holmes x Male! Reader

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Warnings: Fluff! Awkward Mycroft
You were walking to Baker Street after getting off work. It was pouring down rain there was no cabs in sight so you had to walk. Earlier in the day the weather report on said that it was going to be nice today so you didn't bring a sweater or any warm clothes. You didn't have an umbrella either. You were currently trudging your way down the street when you saw Mycroft get out of a car in front of you that quickly drove off as soon as he shut the door. You too started walking together.

"Are you stalking me again?" You asked a slight smile on your face. He stepped closer to you so you both were under his umbrella.

"I prefer to call it looking after you." He retorted. You rolled your eyes.

"Here," Mycroft said taking off his suit jacket.

"I'm soaking wet. I'll ruin it." You shook your head.

"You, John and Sherlock save the country every other week. England can't afford you to be sick." He reasoned. You smiled and rolled your eyes again. Putting the jacket over your shoulders. It was big on you but it was warm and it smelt just like him.

"You're very difficult," you said pulling the jacket tighter on to you.

"Yes, I know. Apologies for trying to keep the nation secure." He said sarcastically.

"You're cute mycroft." You chuckled.

"I'm not cute. I'm terrifying." He stated, standing up straight. Mycroft's heart fluttered at your comment. He never knew

"Terrifyingly cute," you smirked.

"So you stalked me just to give me your coat? That's a little creepy even for you, Mycroft." You continued, looking down at his coat on you.

"There's a case." He stated adjusting the umbrella in his hands.

"You're lying, Mycroft~" You said in a sing-song voice. He looked at you you strangely.

"Now tell me the truth," you continued as you saw Baker Street approaching.

"We have intel that-"

"I can see right through you, Mycroft. I'm not Sherlock. I know when your fibbing. You were going to say something, so say it," you stated as you came up to 221 B. He looked at you and a Mona Lisa smile broke out on his face.

"...I would like to take you out-" Mycroft started but was cut off when Sherlock bust through the front door.

"Ah Y/N! Brilliant! There's been a triple murder! Come along quickly!" Sherlock said excitedly as he grabbed you by the hand. You looked at Mycroft and mouthed 'Sorry!' as you got in the taxi Sherlock practically dragged you in. He gave a small nod and a slight smile.

When the cab was out of site he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. He sighed then he heard his phone beep.

'I'll see you tonight at 7, Mr. Holmes. Xx'

Mycroft chuckled and smiled. He put his phone in his pocket. He was going to make sure you had the most fun in the world.

Male Reader Inserts OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now