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I don't own the image.

October 25th

6:30 PM

Imelda and her family were in town,they heard Bella had moved in a few days ago,Imelda was in the living room of Bella's house talking with her,Oscar,Felipe,Victoria and Rostia were in the kitchen,Charles had taken Claire and Daniel to the store, Hector,Julio,Enrique and Luisa had stayed at the house to watch over the teens.

Imelda wasn't listenting to Bella as she kept thinking if others were okay,knowing that today is John's birthday.

"Imelda are you listening to me?" Bella said,Imelda turned around.

"I'm sorry, i was just thinking." Imelda said,Bella gave a confused look.

"Today is John's birthday and i know he might try to attack us,which is why i can't stop thinking of the others." Imelda said.

"I'll go get you some pills,Imelda." Bella said.

"No thanks,i don't need any pills." Imelda said,she kept staring out the window praying that everyone would be alright.

With Charles

Charles was in the fruit section of the store,his kids were in the candy section,Claire had picked a few candies for her and her brother.

"That's all were gonna buy,okay Daniel?" Claire said to her little brother, who walking in front of her,he then bumped into a man.

"Oops, sorry about that sir." Claire said as she grabbed her brother's hand and led him away from the man he bumped into.

Charles had just found his kids walking up to him.

"Hi, Dad we just bought some candies." Claire said.

"Okay,then just stay with me you two." Charles told them,the two followed their dad,but they didn't know that the man they bumped into was John.

John smirked as he saw them walk away,he walked into a section of the store and grabbed a knife,he then went to the clothes section and he took off his dirty clothes and changed into new ones.

John then left the store and got back to his car,he started to drive in the direction of the farm,he was getting closer to his family's home.

He couldn't wait to see their reactions.

Rivera House

8:30 PM

Maria was in her room and she was on her phone,she was trying to call Natalie.

"Come one, why aren't you responding,Natalie." Maria said to herself,Natalie hadn't called her in days and she was getting worried.

Maria sighed as she placed her phone back on the desk and she decided to head downstairs,she saw Hector and Enrique talking.

"Hola,tio Hector, do you know where Lucia is?" Maria asked.

"I think she's in the barn." Hector said.

"Okay, thanks." Maria said as she went outside on the way she bumped into Pablo,they had become a couple just 3 days ago.

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