Part 2

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I was just starting to doze off when I felt the first bounce of turbulence. It wasn't a huge drop but being sensitive to turbulence, it jolted me wide awake.

The seat belt sign dinged and the pilot came on the intercom warning us of the turbulent air and that all passengers should stay in their seats. Within just a minute or two, another jerk, this time harder than the first.

I tried very hard to control the panic rising in my chest. My palms were sweaty and my heart was racing. Reaching for my seat belt, I tightened it to the point of cutting circulation off then braced myself.

My GOD, I hate this part of flying.

Looking around at my fellow passengers though, I seemed to be the only one riddled with fear. Something just didn't feel right.

The plane continued to go through what I would deem to be some pretty turbulent air for what seemed like the longest fifteen minutes of my life. It was the kind of rough that made it feel like you were driving on a rocky road, not flying in the air at forty thousand feet.

I was internally freaking out but looking over at my seat mate, Jared, he seemed cool as a cumber.

Suddenly, the plane took a dive so steep it felt like we were being slapped out of the sky then the immediate pull as the pilots tried to control the descent.

Oh. My. God.

Everyone was wide awake now and I wasn't alone in my panic.

"This is bad...This is bad..." I mumbled more to myself than to anyone specific.

Jared sat up straighter, looking over at me. He raised the shade to look out the window, even Mr. Calm, Cool and Collected looked a bit nervous. If it wasn't for the bumping and bouncing around, it actually didn't look all that bad out, well lightening aside.

"I'm sure everything's fine." Jared tried to reassure me, the panic I was dealing with clearly written on my face.

"What? Look at that lightening..." I retorted as I leaned in to get a better view of what was happening outside the window, "You're crazy."

"It's just a little pocket of weather. Don't worry."

Just as I was about to tell him that I hoped he was right, another backbreaking blow knocked us to the left, almost as if we were taking a sharp turn followed by another very quick decent.

"Holy shit." Jared said, tightening his own seat belt.

"Flight attendants, take your seats and brace for sever turbulence." The pilot said over the intercom.

What the hell....weren't we already going through sever turbulence?! I couldn't imagine it being worse than this.

My heart was in my throat and my arms and legs were starting to tingle. I could feel my pulse racing as I watch the flight attendants scramble to secure everything before taking their seats and strapping in. For as much flying I have done, this is the worst I've ever had to deal with.

"It's not time to panic yet, these things can happen, Emery. Don't worry." Jared comforted, taking my hand in his and squeezing it firmly.

I thought he was going to let my hand go but he didn't. He kept holding it. Maybe he was trying to be sweet and thought I needed the comfort or maybe he needed a bit of comfort himself. Either way, I was grateful to have something other than my armrest to hold onto.

"Oh my God, I can't believe this..." I cried, then another sharp decent, "Ahhh....Godddd, noooo..."

I felt like I was on a roller coaster, so much so, I almost screamed. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a blast of lightning that lit the black sky through Jared's window. As soon as I saw it, we immediately tilted to the right. Actually, tilted isn't even a strong enough word. I honestly felt like we were going to flip over.

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