•Bring You Home•

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I see you.
I do.
I see pain in those eyes.

It has sat there for your life time, trapped in the confusion we all carry.
I see love too, the love you would have given were it not for the scars.
It's still there honey, and one day I will set you free.
I'm not perfect yet but I love you, and I'm trying to understand what love means.

Give me a chance to find my feet, to stop my own head from spinning and I'll prove it.

There is so much of your life that is a hell for your soul, and you stay there from strength rather than weakness I know.

So let me join you in that pain, walk with you, feel the same torture I know you bare.

And one day I'll find just the right way to bring you home, my love.

•Collateral Beauty•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora