Chapter 12 - Spending Skill Points

Start from the beginning

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Takahashi Sora. Ah, Sora is my first name, and Takahashi is my last name." (Sora)

I shook his hand, and with this, I was able to set an order for some gauntlets. This way I'll be able to have Noroi defend Sana during difficult battles without worrying as much, and without having to snatch her up in the middle of a fight.

Going back to the inn, I picked up some sweets as a way to apologize for leaving Sana and Noroi behind.

As I came near the inn, I saw Sana and Noroi standing outside looking in my direction with angry expression. It seems they were a little upset about it as I thought they would be. Joining up with them, they were yelling at me for leaving them behind, but then they quieted down when I gave them the sweets. We sat outside by a fountain as they happily munched on their sweets. I smiled looking up, thanking the goddess in my heart for allowing me to have this second chance at life. Even if I almost died already, I'm still thankful for this new life.

Now that we've relaxed for a bit, I suppose its time to take our next job. Since I don't know how much my new gear will cost, I'd prefer we wait on purchasing a home. So, with Noroi in her human form, we went to the guild to pick out our second request.

When we walked inside what awaited us was that fat bald noble from yesterday. He was sitting in one of the chairs, since he was wanting the Demon Core, I figured I would avoid him as best I can. We walked up to Serene, and struck up a conversation with her.

"Hello there Serene, I was wondering if there was any request you could recommend to us. Since that Noble is here, I'd prefer he didn't see me when I go up to the Request Board." (Sora)

"Of course, I understand. Well considering you just recovered yesterday, maybe something easy would be best right? If so there's an Alchemist that's requesting help in acquiring some herbs for his experiments. However, if you want to go back to C-Rank quests, then there are sightings of Dire-wolves in the area. The city would like someone to investigate the reason why they are here, any materials you collect from killing them are yours to do with as you please. It's not a subjugation mission so much as an investigation, but the guild will still be happy to buy their pelts." (Serene)

"The Dire-wolves sounds like fun...who knows? I might get a pet in the process." (Sora)

I chuckled a little, at my comment. Serene then processed the paperwork to allow us to take on the request. After we were given confirmation, we left the guild, avoiding being caught by the noble. Before we reached the gate, we stepped off into an alleyway to allow Noroi to switch forms. This way we can avoid any suspicions about how a stranger was able to get into town without any identification. Once Noroi was strapped to my waist, Sana and I continued until we were outside the gate.

While we were walking I turned to Sana and asked her,

"Hey so what happened to those bandits we left tied to a tree?" (Sora)

"Turned in. 3 Large Gold." (Sana)

"I see, that's not too bad at least. It'll increase our funds towards a good house, that way we won't have to worry about sleeping at the inn all the time. I won't be spending too much for the next week though, since I made a custom order on the gear made from the Demon Core." (Sora)

She nodded, signaling that she understood. Well I just realized I don't even know how much we have total between the two of us. Perhaps later, after this request, we should pool everything together that way we have an understanding of our current financial standing. It'll make it easier to plan everything out at least if we knew where we stood.

Continuing our walk, I thought about the fact I have a skill I haven't bothered trying out fact most of my skills I haven't even used yet. Although, one that I am pretty interested in trying out is the Musician skill. It's at the max level, and I wanna see how well I can play different instruments. 

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