Leahs eyes soften. "Oh Aidan." She steps into me, wrapping her arms around my chest and engulfing me in her hug. We stay there for a few minutes, comfortable in each others presence.

"I missed this Lee." I mumble.

"Me too." She says after a beat.

Her hair smells of coconut. I inhale her scent.

I feel her shoulders shaking beneath me and notice she's laughing. Her peals of laughter ring through the air.

God, I missed that laugh.

"What's so funny?" I whisper.

"You sniffed me!" She's holding her sides. "Don't tell me you don't remember when-"
She gasps for breath.
"-In our tree"
She's chuckling with laughter.
"-You sniffed me!"

Realisation dawns on me and I start to laugh along with her. It isn't even that funny but soon we're doubled over, laughing till our sides ache. We fall on a heap on the floor.

I cup her face, drawing her ever closer to me, drinking her in.

She's so earnest. She didn't have to help Xander. But she wanted to. She decided he was good enough to plead for, I realise that now. He must be worth it... somehow. Let yourself be vulnerable Aidan, don't lose faith in your family.

"I forgive him." I say, surprising the both of us.

"You do?"

I nod, realising its true.

"I'm not excusing his behaviour. He neglected me."

Leah nods. Completely serious now.

"But he's still my brother. He's still family. And technically- he saved us."

Though I don't know why in his right mind he'd think drugging us was the way to do it. I mean- once he found out I hadn't eaten the 'chips' he chlorofoamed me. I gave him enough bruises in my struggle to remember not to try that again.

"And it's not right that I  didn't forgive him. I mean God forgives me all the time, so I should forgive Xander." I reason. "But let me tell you, when you came in Xander was the last thing on my mind."

Leahs gives me a sneaky side eye.

"Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?" She replies smoothly, playing innocent.

"Maybe I should show you instead." I respond, my eyes zoning in on her lips.

My hand grazes across her knee, rising steadily towards her thigh. I trail small circles on her burning flesh.

Gently, I pull her flush against me and plant kisses along her jaw, climbing towards her plump kissable lips.

My green eyes meet her amber ones and they are filled with an unmatched desire. We both want each other so bad it hurts that there are clothes between us.

I let out a long held moan as I take her in. She's sensual and electric. The air is buzzing with her till I feel heady.

We begin to kiss.

It's soft and tender at first but then increasingly passionate and forceful. We claim each other in our kiss, fighting for dominance, hungry for the taste. I pin her against the wall, and she gasps as the breath is knocked out of her, clutching me tighter.

My hands crawl gently up her shirt, caressing the soft skin just beneath her breasts.

She lets out a moan as my hands skim their surface.

We're uncontrollable. Crazy with the feel, the sounds from one another. We are so lost in each other that we don't hear the slight cough behind us. It's only as Xander coughs again, louder, that we hear him and spring apart.

Both of us look dishevelled. Leahs shirt is half unbuttoned and I'm pretty sure I have lipstick on my neck. My hair is a hopeless mess now. I don't even bother to fix it.

"Making up for lost time, eh?" Xander says in his typical lazy drawl.

I flush. Leah looks amused.

"Did you even mention me?" He accuses

Leah rubs the nape of her neck. "Kinda."

She's looks guiltier than a kid at the cookie jar. I swoop in to save her.

"It's cool, Xander." I voice. His eyes light up as I say his name. "I- uh.. I forgive you."

Xanders eyes betray how happy he is- they shine with glee.

He waits a second, then pulls me into a bear hug.

"Thank you Addy. I'm sorry bro, I truly am. I'll make it up to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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