Chapter 9

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The red sneks
Leahs pov

Where am I?

What day is it?

My eyes flicker slowly open and begin to sting as the harsh light rays reach them.

On instinct, I slam them shut. The darkness I'm so used to envelopes me once more.

I hear a door open and force my body to play asleep.

The steps advance to me until I can feel a presence leaning over me. The minty breath mingles with mine for a moment, before receding.

I try to keep my breathing gentle and as natural as possible, but it doesn't work.

"You're awake."

I sit up, stopping my pretence.

Slowly I open my eyes to meet green ones.

Ones so similar to Aidans it makes my heart clench.

"Oh, Aidan." I whisper, blinking back tears. To think I didn't get to tell him how I felt before the drug hit, hurts me. Where is he now? Is he still with that monster? I wish more than anything that I could be near him. Kiss him one more time.

To my surprise the stranger takes in a breath. He covers it up with a cough but I still catch it.

Looking at him now I can't help but notice striking similarities between Aidan and the stranger. Both have green eyes, dark hair, with similar builds and facial structure.

But there's something different about this guy. Something I can't put my finger on. He seems a little more lithe and feline. Like he can disappear in a flash. I don't feel the security I feel with Aidan.

The air feels tinged with danger...

I stare at him openly, racking my brains for a connection. I flush as he catches my gaze.

His eyes darken and he takes steps towards me.

I try to put my walls up, not feel anything, but I'm failing miserably. My hands tremble by my sides and I can feel my breathing rate increase.

I feel fat tears skim my cheeks. It's going to happen again.

"Why are you crying?" A curious voice interrupts bringing me out of my reverie.


"What do you think I was going to do to you? Rape you?" He says softly.

My eyes flicker to his curiously, waiting him out. Why is he being nice all of a sudden?

He looks at me, flabbergasted. "I'd never do- I'm not that type of guy! Besides, I have a girlfriend." He says witheringly.

That's not stopped some people.

"Then what am I here for?" I shoot back, annoyed at his tone. "It's not like I came here willingly buddy!"

"I had to bring you. You needed me."


"I took you from your wicked captor. I saved you."

I rolled my eyes. Guys and their hero complex.

"Oh please. I was fine. I didn't need saving."

The stranger gives me a pointed look.

"You looked like you would crap your pants if I so much as held your hands." He deadpanned.

He doesn't know what I've been through.

My eyes harden."Look, as rivetting as this conversation is, I'd like to be alone. If you don't um..  require my services... then I'd rather spend my time elsewhere. Like, with Aidan."

The stranger winced at the mention of  Aidans name.

Meanwhile, I kicked myself. Require my services?

I shook my head.

"What's your deal anyway? Why are you scared of Aidan?" I inquired.

The stranger scoffed.

"Me- scared of Aidan?" He drew up to his full height, towering over me.

He was at least 6'3, maybe taller. He almost reached the ceiling.

I wonder what the weather up there's like?

"I'm Xander- leader- ex-leader of the red snakes. I'm scared of no-one." He said cockily.

I would've made a sassy comeback but something he said peaked my interest.

The red snakes?
It sounded so familiar....

"You're Aidans brother!" I blurted out.

"And you're a bit slow on the uptake sugarsnap." He mocked lazily.

I bristled.

"I'm not your sugarsnap! I've had enough. I'm out of here." I said bravely.

I took one step towards the exit before crumpling into Xanders arms. I felt so lightheaded. And exhausted.

I was still too weak to leave.

Xander smirked. "Be my guest. But I bet you wouldn't make it out of the door in your current state."

I bit my lip, hesitant.

"Put me down"

Xander carried on holding me. "What's the magic word." He teased.

"Put me down arsehat."

He snorted, dropping me back unto the bed. "You're funny. I see why Aidan likes you "

He becomes serious again, wiping the smile off his face.
"I'd be more polite if I were you. We have Aidan too."

I perked up at Aidans name. "Can I see him?"

Xander rubbed his now creased forehead."No can do sugarsnap. He's a little... temperamental right now."

Temperamental? That didn't make sense..... unless he made Aidan really angry- enough to make him lose his cool completely.

I let out a low whistle.

"He must be fuming."

Xander sighs.

"Let's just say I've played dead for a little too long. He wasn't too happy to see his big bro again."

"Why'd you leave him then?" I ponder aloud.

"It was the only way to fully escape my past. I laid low, did a bit of damage control and now I'm a free man." He says lightly, but I detect sadness behind his jovial tone.

My guess is that Aidans hurt has gotten to him as well.

"I had to lose both my parents to that gang. I wasn't going to lose my brother as well. I feel like I've blown it." He admits. He sounds vulnerable and guilt ridden.

To my surprise I feel pity for Xander. He put Aidan through a lot, but he's also had a time of his own.

I gently put my arm on his shoulder. His glistening eyes meet mine. "Let me talk to Aidan. I might be able to make him understand."

Xander fiddles with his leather jacket thinking things over but slowly comes around, nodding his head.

"Fine. But if it doesn't work, don't expect me to try again. If he doesn't want me I'll let it be."

I suck in my breath. There's a lot riding on this.

This has to work.

Can I reconcile the two brothers? Or will they go their separate ways?

For my sake and Xanders I hope the latter won't be the case. I grit my teeth.

Get a grip, Leah.

"Let's go."

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