Chapter 1

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Sunset and chats

The ride to his spot was pin drop silent. We rode in a somewhat comfortable silence.

I was still kicking myself. How could I throw myself at him, like that?
Was I so desparate for love that I would do that to the first guy that comes along?

Aidan was a good guy, sure, but that didn't excuse my behaviour. He probably doesn't like me anyway. He didn't save me because he liked me, he only did it because that's just how he is.

I bit my lip in frustration. Blood rushed up thtough the crack it caused. I ran my tongue over the cut. Aidans eyes slid to my bloodied lip. They darkened slightly then flickered away.

He drove faster.

It was dark by the time we arrived. I was utterly pooped from the journey.

"We're here." He said, leaping out of the car to open the door for me.

The night was crisp and I looked up into the sky for stars.

I looked around, expecting some sort of entertainment or building. All there was was a large oak tree. The leaves were reddening- an almost burnt gold. Aidan clambered up it in an instant. I could tell he did it all the time.

The muscles in his back flexed as he climbed. His white tee was illuminated by the pale moon. He looked etheral.

I watched, mesmerised, as he ran his hands through his brown hair. He flashed me a smile. I turned away, mortified that he'd caught me.

When he spoke, there was a teasing undertone to his voice. "Ready, now?" I grabbed his hand and he helped me up.

I looked around. The view was breath taking. The sun had begun to rise. There were perfect lilac streaks in the orange horizon.

"Wow." I breathed. I soaked up the morning sun, then turned to Aidan. "It's beautiful."

"Yeah. You are." He said absentmindedly.

"You think I'm beautiful?" I said.

Aidan went a deeper red than I'd ever seen him go.

"'Course" he said softly. He turned away, playing it off.

He didn't realise the weight of his words. He thinks I'm beautiful. Not sexy. Not cute. Not pretty. Not hot. Beautiful. I tried the words out for size. It rolled off my tongue. Beautiful. It was the first time anyone had called me that.

I smiled at him, pleased.

Aidan was still flushed. When he spoke his voice was a little unsteady. "My parents used to bring us here all the time- my brother and I, I mean. There used to be a swing there and we'd play on it together till it was late."

I smiled, imagining a mini- Aidan running about and swinging.

"When they died, it broke my heart." He said sadly.


"Don't bother with the sorry for your loss thing. I've heard it so msny times now, it makes me sick."

My face must have shown my hurt, because he quickly apologised.

"Sorry. That was rude."

"It's okay." I said softly.

"I came here when I'd lost all hope. When my brother abandoned me and my parents had both gone, I felt so lost. I just sat here and looked at the sky. And I thought- what a beautiful sunset. I don't want to miss that. So I carried on going, just to come here and see the sunset every day."

He suddenly looked bashful. "We could share it, if you like."

Tears sprang to my eyes. He would give up his favourite spot for me to take part in. Just so I could carry on going. Living.

I grabbed him suddenly, pulling him into a hug. He was tensed at first but then relaxed, returning the hug. "Thank you." I said into his shoulder. 

Aidan smiled. And I swear it was more beautiful than any sunset. It was irresistible, and I found myself grinning too. "Anytime." Aidan said.

His arm wrapped around my shoulder and he pulled me closer to him. I snuggled into his arms.

Would it be wierd to sniff him?

I sniffed him snightly. He smelt so good. Sort of like christmas. That piney, nutty, sweet scent you always inhale around them.

Aidan looked down at me, snorting with laughter.

"Did you just sniff me?"

"Ummm..... no?" It came out as more of a question.

"You sniffed me!" He giggled. He let out the cutest little snort, then laughed even more.

I found myself laughing too. When we both calmed down, he pulled me closer then dramatically took a long sniff of me. "You actually smell really good." He said, his eyes crinkling as he smiled.

"Maybe we should make this a regular thing." I joked.

"11pm. Every monday. Be there." Aidan said with a faux serious face. We both laughed again, and it rang into the night sky.

We both quieted after that and just stayed there, cuddling. I played distractedly with his hair. That smelt nice as well. Like head and shoulders apple shampoo. Oddly specific.

"Do you wanna play a game?" Aidan asked.

"It's the 23 questions challenge."

"Since when did you become vogue."

"Just humour me." Aidan sajd.

"Fine. You start." I said.

"Okay. Favourite colour?"

"Favourite animal?"
"Dog. And cats. I dunno."

"Do you like me?"
I gave him a pointed look.

He raised his hands.
"It was worth a shot."
I punched his shoulder, jokingly. We carried on with the game.

After I think we fell asleep. All I know is I found Aidan smushed against my chest, snoring gently.

"Aidan." I said suddenly.

I was unsure whether he was still awake. Aidan stirred, wrinkling his nose as he got up.

"Yeah, Lee?"

I tried to ignore the fact that he'd called me Lee instead of Leah. Did he just give me a nickname?

Does that change things. What do i call him? Aid? Dan? I decided to stick to Aidan for now. Speaking of, he was still waiting for me to finish my sentence.

"I do. I like you." I said.

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