Chapter 6

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I stumble into the kitchen to meet a very delicious sight. And it's definitely not the food...

Aidan notices me oogling his washboard abs and smirks. "You hungry?" He says, one eyebrow arched.

His morning voice is deeper and slightly groggy. My heart beats a little quicker.

Okay. A lot.

"I'm starving." I say

Aidans eyes widen as I draw myself up to him. I lean closer and closer till we're just a breath apart.

His eyes darken for a moment with hunger.

Reaching over I grab the plate beside him.

He lets out a "hmmph."

I rummage the drawers for a knife when I feel two arms trap me in place.

He's so close, I can feel the tickle of his breath. "Wrong drawer." His arms curl around my waist, spinning me towards the opposite drawer.

I smirk then turn back round to Aidan. In this moment, my heart skips a beat a little.  His hair is still wet from the shower and there's a lone droplet travelling from his sharp jawline, down his bronzed body.

What's a girl to do in such a situation? I let out a contained groan. 

"Why'd you do this to me? Huh?"

Aidan looks lost for words.

"I don't get this way. I don't usually get this- this feeling in my stomach when i so much as look at someone. What are you doing to me?"

Aidan blinks.

"See- you did it again! Fluttering those stupidly long lashes at me! Ugh! I can't with you!"

I can feel rather than see Aidans smile.

"Cut that out!"

His smile widens.

"I didn't know I had such an affect on you... go on, tell me more, I'm listening."

I roll my eyes.

"Forget I said anything."

"Nope. I'll always remember that I have stupidly long eyelashes and I give you a feeling in your stomach." He mocks gently.

I feel his warm arms wrap around me. He leans down to my ear. I shiver at his presence. "You have no idea how you make me feel Leah. If thoughts could speak, well- we might be in another situation."

I blushed at the insinuation.

I worm out of his grip, annoyed at myself- my heart is racing so fast I'm surprised he couldn't feel it.

"Good thing they can't then."

Aidans face fell. I stormed out of the room angrily.

I was sick of Aidan. His sweetness, devilishly handsome looks and concern for me.

I still couldn't understand why he looked at me like that, why he cared for me.

I hear his footstep pad behind me on the plush carpet. "Okay, what's going on?" He says, shirt back on.

"Why'd you care about me?"

"Why do I care? I can't believe you haven't figured it out yet. For a smart girl, you can-"

"Don't finish that sentence. I don't understand. What haven't i figured out?"

"That I love you, Leah. I've loved you ever since the first day we met." Responded he.

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