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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

'Where am I? What is that?' I felt like I was coming out of a dense fog. My head was pounding and my gums ached. I tried opening my eyes, but had to quickly shut them again, the light was too bright. I could hear the machines beeping and dripping and making all sorts of sounds. Everything was so loud. And the smells were too strong. Plastic, bleach, sweat, urine, metal, and something else. I couldn't put my finger on it.

"I think she's coming to." I heard a soft female voice say from somewhere to my right. There was a shuffling of feet and I felt the air change as someone entered the room. I attempted to open my eyes again, but couldn't keep them open long enough to see anyone.

"Artemis, Hunny? Are you awake?" I heard Elle's voice wavering with worry.

"I smell vanilla beans." I stated, wrinkling my nose. I heard her laugh and felt the bed dip as she sat beside me.

"Can you open your eyes?" She asked, gently stroking my forehead. I tried again.

"No. It's too bright." I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands and yawned. I felt rested but exhausted at the same time. Like I had slept too long.

"Nurse, can we dim the lights or shut them off?" Elle asked.

"Ok, try now." She said. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to clear my vision. Elle looked a mess. She wore a drab sweater and her 'cleaning day' pants and slippers and her hair was twisted up in a messy bun. She had light circles under her eyes and they were blood shot. She smiled weakly at me.

"There they are. I've always loved your eyes." She said, stroking my forehead again. "How are you feeling? Doctor says you hit your head pretty hard when you fell."

I frowned. Doctor? Fell? I tried to remember.

"Do you even remember what happened?" Elle asked, watching my facial expressions. I shook my head. "You went to Lydia's party and had an incident in the bathroom. Someone found you unconscious on the floor covered in blood."

Suddenly it all came flooding back. Lydia serving punch, Eli groping me, the visions, losing my teeth. My hand went straight to my mouth. My gums ached, but the pain was nowhere near as bad as it had been. I felt for the gaps, but found none. All my teeth were there. I frowned.

"Is she awake?" A male voice asked from the doorway. The lights flicked on and I groaned in pain as the light seared my eyes.

"Please, doctor, she needs the lights off. Her eyes are really sensitive." Elle said, quickly shielding my face with her hands. The lights flicked off again and I opened my eyes cautiously. The doctor approached the bed, frowning.

"Your eyes are that sensitive?" He asked, pulling out a small scope. "I need you to look directly into this." He held it just above my eye and he looked through the other end. I stared into it and waited. He did the same thing with my other eye.

"Hmm." He seemed stumped. "I need more light. Is it ok if I turn this light on?" He asked indicating a small overhead light above my bed. I nodded and squinted my eyes to brace myself for the pain. It flicked on, but it wasn't too bad. He repeated the scope test and scratched some notes into a file on his clipboard. Elle watched the doctor, nervously wringing her hands. He approached me again.

"I want you to follow my fingers without moving your head. So with your eyes only, follow my fingers, ok?" I nodded and watched as he moved his hand left to right and up and down. He scribbled more down on the charts and then handed the papers to the nurse.

"Well, you may have a small concussion. Your pupils are fully dilated, you were unconscious for over an hour, and there was no trace of alcohol in your system. I'm going to give you something for the headaches and your going to need to take it easy for a day or two. So bed rest for the next day or two, ok?" I nodded again and started to sit up. Elle patted my back gently as I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

"What was the blood from?" I asked, my voice cracked. The doctor frowned.

"You had some small lacerations on your hands, but I believe you may have had a nose bleed as well. Nothing to worry about." With that, the doctor left.

"Ready to go home?" Elle asked, standing up and walking around the bed to help me. I nodded and grabbed my jacket off the table.

"Sorry." I said as we left the room. Elle stopped and looked at me confused.

"For what?"

"For today. For not calling after school. For keeping you up tonight." I said squinting against the hall lights. Elle smiled softly and patted my arm.

"Its ok. I'm just glad I didn't get a call from Sheriff Stilinski to pick you up from the jail." I smirked and took a seat in the waiting room as Elle signed me out and picked up my headache meds.

I rested my head against the wall behind me and kept my eyes closed, exhaustion breaking over me in waves.

The waiting room was empty. But I could hear voices coming from down the hall. They sounded familiar. I squinted my eyes open slightly and listened.

"-on her way here." A gruff voice said.

"How am I going to do this? How am I supposed to tell her that her mother did this? She won't believe the lie." A sad voice answered. It was full of emotion and threatened to break with each word. I heard an exasperated sigh.

"She needs to know the truth. She needs to know what her mother died for and why. She needs to understand that just because Scott is innocent, Derek is not. And she needs to understand that it is her responsibility to avenge her mother. And Kate."

I frowned. Where they talking about McKall? Is it Allison they're talking about? I carefully stood and crept toward the hall, keeping my back to the wall. I peeked around the corner. An older man stood with his back to me, facing Allison's dad. Allison's father looked broken, his palor was pale, eyes sad, and deep frown lines had etched themselves into his forehead. My heart sank. Allison's mother was dead.

Suddenly Allison burst through the front doors in tears.

"No! It's not true! Is this one of your lessons?! Cuz I really can't tell! I don't understand!" She cried at her father, looking to be on the verge of collapsing. I turned away, wanting to give her and her family privacy.

"Is everything alright? Who's that shouting?" Elle asked, handing me my prescriptions. I looked over my shoulder to Allison and shook my head. I felt tears begin stinging my eyes. Elle wrapped me in a hug and walked us to the entrance, which brought us closer to Allison. As we approached, Allison pulled away from her father just long enough to catch my eye. I felt the tears start flowing and barely managed a "sorry".

Allison shook her head and threw her arms around her father again. Elle led me out the double doors to the car.

Allison's mom was dead and it had something to do with Scott and someone called Derek. I felt like a small child looking at a large pile of tiny puzzle pieces. Each piece had a place, now all I needed to do was put the pieces together.

Wild Ones - Teen Wolf fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now