F... for Fool's Trap!

Start from the beginning

Khushi ran up the stairs following Avni, not caring the people on the stairs and definitely not Chilli. Had she been a bit more careful, she could have avoided the situation that followed.

Arnav was speaking to Aman when he saw Avni trying to hide behind him. "Bhai, save me please."

Before he could gauge the situation he found himself being smacked by a bowl, a sticky paste applied on him. "What the!" He wanted to shout but it came out as some mumbling. When he opened his eyes, ready to give a sound lashing to the person, he found Jalebi staring at his face wide eyed, the lips forming a perfect "O".

Those lips! How he wished to taste them! Damn it! What is he even thinking? Aren't those lips the reason enough for all the teasing?

Aman's loud cough brought him out of his dreamland.

"Ma, when I wanted to apply haldi on Arnav, did you see how he avoided that? Looks like he had some other plans", Anjali said making everyone burst into laughter leaving Arnav and Khushi blushing.


The rest of the marriage ceremony passed with similar teasing going on. Pari Singh Raizada had also the bandwagon of his already crazy siblings in their teasing. It was at the reception that Arnav realised that the teases had been actually considered seriously.

"You know, Arnav, after Khushi started working as an intern under you, I have seen so many changes in her. She is a lot more focused now. I know all this is because of you. When Ajay told me about you two being in a relation, my happiness reached a new level."

Arnav didn't know how to reply to Shashi Gupta's words.

That is when his father broke the most shocking news of his life.

"We were thinking of getting you two engaged."

"Papa! What is the hurry? Akash Bhai just got married. Also, Khushi has just started her career. Don't you think it is too early?"

"See, I knew Khushi is going to be in safe hands. Beta, we are not asking you to get married. Just get engaged. Also, Payal is leaving for States in a few months." Shashi replied.

Arnav looked sceptical.

"I know what you are thinking. Don't worry. It will be a quiet affair. Only our families will know. No one in RHF will know. I will see to it." Ajay said.

"So is it a yes?"

Engagement with Khushi! Arnav's head was spinning.


Finally! She had finally escaped from the hullabaloo and could eat peacefully. She looked at the plate of sweet assortments. Jalebis! Gulab jamuns! Rasgullas! She could not wait to dig in.

As she took the first bite of a jalebi, she found Smita sitting beside her. "Hi Aunty!" She said

"Beta, I wanted to ask something."

"Ask na, Aunty. Why are you being so formal?"

She picked the gulab jamun and stuffed into her mouth.

"Are you ready to get engaged to Arnav?"

Ah! The outer crust was perfectly fried and the soft inside melted in her mouth. Whoever made these should already be declared as the Master Chef! She nodded. Albeit without paying attention to whatever Smita had asked.

The moment she nodded her head, Smita's smile widened. She was not sure if Khsuhi was ready to get engaged so soon. Though she could feel the chemistry between her son and Khushi, she needed the confirmation. She hugged Khushi instantly.

Jalebis and Chillies [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now