"I was looking for you and your case was on its side. I thought you might be in there so I went inside and it was on the desk," Tina explained. She looked up to meet Newt's gaze, the look of betrayal in her eyes hurt him. "Why did you try to hide this from me?"

"I'm sorry," he said, quickly looking down. "I thought it was for the best. You're already so stressed. You already have so many things happening. I thought it was best to just let you -- I didn't want to cause you any more pain. I see now that I just ended up making things worse. I'm so sorry." He pulled Tina closer and held on to her, feeling her relax slightly. He glanced down at the newspaper.

Gellert Grindelwald Gains Followers in Germany

The text below the picture had been smudged by Tina's tears but Newt had read it before. He knew that it wasn't really that upsetting. It only talked about how Grindelwald had shown his face again after more than a month of his being in hiding. It never mentioned Queenie at all. But she was still in the picture.

Grindelwald stood in the foreground, taking up most of the page. Two women stood behind him on either side. Rosier stood on his right and Queenie on his left. Queenie was still beautiful but all the warmth and kindness was gone from her gaze. Her beauty had become a cold beauty and her gaze had turned cold.

"She looks so . . ." Tina started. She shuddered. "I've never, ever seen her like this. I never would have believed she could look like this. It's awful."

"I know," Newt sighed. 

Tina was staring at the picture. She reached out and ran a finger over the black and white image of her sister. Queenie smiled a cold, superficial smile. Tina shivered again. Newt reached down and folded the newspaper in half, hiding the picture. Then he pulled Tina closer and rested his cheek on the top of her head.

"Why did she have to leave?" Tina asked presently. "Why did she have to follow Grindelwald?"

Newt sighed again. "You know why she did, Tina. She sincerely believes that this is best for her and Jacob."

"This is all my fault," Tina whimpered. "I shouldn't have been so hard on her. After we learned that Jacob still remembered, I got so mad at her for telling him everything he still didn't remember. I kept telling her she couldn't date him. We got into a huge fight and she left. Then I went to Paris without having gotten the chance to apologize. I felt so guilty." She paused. "I still haven't apologized and I may never get the chance to. I should have just let her marry Jacob. She would still be here now if I had."

"Shh, Tina," Newt murmured. "This isn't your fault. You and Queenie both grew up in America. You were both brought up to believe that magical and non-magical people shouldn't mix. Even if Queenie and Jacob and moved here, she would probably have still been afraid of people judging her." He glanced down. Tina was crying again.

Neither of them said anything. Tina shifted her position so that her head was resting comfortably in the crook of Newt's shoulder. It fit perfectly and soon she was fast asleep. Newt didn't know what to do. She looked so peaceful and he didn't want to wake her but he knew they couldn't sit here forever. Tolliver was already upset enough as it was and Newt suspected that this would push him over the edge.

Newt carefully got to his feet. He picked Tina up, careful not to wake her, and carried her up the stairs. Her head was resting on his shoulder, her breath tickling his neck and sending shivers down his spine. He reached the door to her room, it was slightly ajar so he pushed it open with his foot. He was relieved to see that Nagini wasn't in the room.

He made his way over to the bed and gently laid Tina down. He was about to leave when she rolled over he heard her murmur his name. He knelt down beside the bed. Tina blinked sleepily. "Newt, please don't leave."

"I won't, Tina. I won't."

Newt pulled out his wand and used it to close the door. He took a seat on the bed next to her and she grabbed his hand. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and she went back to sleep. He looked down at her sleeping face. She looked peaceful, more peaceful than he had ever seen her. He reached forward with his free hand and gently smoothed down a bit of her hair. 

She's so beautiful, he thought. But she's in so much pain. I hate seeing her in this much pain.

As Newt looked down at Tina all doubt vanished from his mind. He knew the answer to the question that had been plaguing him since he had seen her in the sewer in Paris.

I love her.

A/N: You're welcome. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please vote and comment. I skipped supper to finish this chapter but I doubt it was anything good and I can find food in my house.

We were supposed to write a sonnet for English class and I had a really hard time deciding what to write about. My mom (who I'm pretty sure doesn't know I write Newtina fanfics) said I should write a sonnet from Newt to Tina because the sonnet had to be about love. I finally wrote the sonnet. It's not necessarily from Newt to Tina, it could be from anyone to anyone but I think it could be. It's not that great. I don't think it flows nicely but it has the fourteen lines needed, follows the correct rhyme scheme, and each line has ten syllables. Those were the requirements. Anyway, here it is.

I wish that I could tell you how I feel.
Every time I look at you I see how
Beautiful you are and my love is real.
If only I could tell you this right now.

However, I don't know what you would think
If you could know the feelings in my heart,
So I can hardly put them into ink.
But keeping them in my head is not smart.

Perhaps one day I'll have the courage to
Tell you all the things I feel. Then maybe
You will smile and reply with, "I love you
Too." Then we'll be together and happy.

Hopefully, that day will come for us and
We will spend our lives walking hand in hand.

I meant to put this in the book several chapters ago. I finally remembered today. I hope you like it.

Have a good day!


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