Chapter 16

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Tina was lying on her bed. Trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Newt almost kissed me! I almost kissed Newt! And I wanted to. I really, really wanted to.

She groaned.

What's gotten into me? Why can't I just be happy with Achilles? He's a nice person and he loves me and I thought I loved him but do I? Or do I love Newt?

This was the first time she had really considered the possibility that she loved Newt. The thought had crossed her mind before but she had pushed it away, telling herself she was crazy, but now she wasn't so sure. 

"We were so close," she murmured, tracing a finger over the path Newt's finger had taken over her face. "So incredibly close."

There was a knock on the door. She knew exactly who it was and she didn't want to see him but she answered anyway.

"Come in," she called, pushing herself up. The door opened and Achilles came inside. He closed the door behind him and made his way over to Tina's bed. Taking a seat beside her, he pulled her into a hug.

"Hello, baby," he said before kissing her deeply. She broke the kiss a moment later and offered him a small smile.

"What's on your mind?" Achilles asked.

Tina shook her head. "Nothing."

Achilles kissed her again and she pulled away.

"Why don't you want to kiss me anymore?" he complained. "Every time we kiss, you're the first one to pull away."

Tina shrugged. "This isn't our house. Somehow it feels wrong."

"No, it doesn't."

"It does to me," she said. She climbed off the bed and ran her hands through her hair to smooth it down.


"I don't know," Tina snapped. She was lying. She had begun to understand why. It was Newt. She was beginning to have strong feelings for him, feelings that were possibly stronger than those she had for Achilles. Part of her would rather be kissing Newt, even though she had never done it.

Achilles's eyes lit up. "I've got an idea. If you're uncomfortable kissing me in this house, why don't we leave it? Let's go on a date tonight. Let's go to dinner."

Tina grinned. She loved the way he had gotten so excited. "Okay, then. Where will we go?"

Achilles got to his feet and pulled her closer. "I think I saw a nice little place while I was out today."

"You were already planning this, weren't you," she laughed.

He winked and leaned forward. She pulled away instinctively but he pulled her closer and gave her a short kiss. "You might want to tell Scamander we won't be there for dinner."

"Right," Tina replied, trying not to sigh.

Achilles kissed her again and left the room. Tina sat back on her bed, running her fingers over her lips.

What am I doing? I want to go on this date with Achilles but I want to kiss Newt. If I kiss Newt I'd be cheating on Achilles. But going on a date with Achilles feels like cheating on Newt . . . and there's nothing between Newt and me.

Tina pulled herself to her feet and slowly left the room. She made her way down the stairs. Newt and Nagini were in the living room in the middle of what seemed to be a duel. However, she quickly realized Nagini was practicing both the disarming charm and the shield charm. She watched from the stairs where she was mostly out of sight.

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