Crazy with a Pinch of Weasels

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In this story(or fanfiction), Fred,Lupin, Sirius and Tonks survived the Battle of Hogwarts. So this is an AU fanfiction. Kay. Read on, and don't forget to vote and comment.❤️

"Locomotor tree!" Molly Weasely's voice could be heard over the clutter of No. 12 Grimmauld Palace. Harry was inside, helping clean up the place.(Fred and George had been inventing pranks the previous day, and the whole place was cluttered up, a strange slimy black substance everywhere. And don't get him started on paintballs that were filled with coloured boogers. He had a feeling he would never be clean again. Sigh.)

Hermione and her family had arrived the previous day. So had Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, their adorable ball of fluffiness called Teddy and Charlie's girlfriend named Xena. Needless to say, the entire family and their closest friends had gathered, everyone having that strange lightness and a spring in their step they had not had for the previous two years.

Bill had arrived and he had taken down the painting of Sirius's screaming mothered using a spell he had learnt from the goblins. And Kreacher was finally nice to everyone, and wearing clothes that weren't rags or pillowcases. Obviously, Voldemort's death had improved everything.

The eeriness of Grimmauld Palace no longer existed,and except for the occasional clutter and untidiness here and there caused by Fred, George and Sirius, the place was relatively clean.

It was the day before Christmas, and the air smelt of pine, and delicious food. Ron could be seen sniffing the air and moaning every now and then. Hermione and Harry tidied up the living room for the Christmas tree, and Ginny was hanging mistletoe around the house. Her motives weren't that innocent, considering there were fifteen of them in Harry's and Ron's room. And all of them were on Harry's side. He wasn't going to complain though.

Mr Weasely was helping Mrs Weasely with the tree. Fleur and Xena were in the kitchen baking gingerbread cookies with their significant others. Sirius was there with the twins because their easy-going nature and pranks were his own when he was young. Tonks was handling the decorations everywhere, while Lupin was taking care of Teddy.

All in all, everyone was busy in their own world while the aroma of delicious food and silliness with the spirit of Christmas wafted around.

The noon of Christmas day found Harry in his room, staring at the ridiculous amount of mistletoe hung around. Footsteps were heard outside his room and he slumped on his bed, expecting the tall and gangly form of Ron. Instead, another redhead greeted him. Only, this particular person was one he wanted to snog to death.

"Hey," Ginny said, as she pushed past a garland of mistletoe to enter his room.

"Hi," Harry said, his throat feeling dry.

"Mum's throwing around curses because no one other that Dad's helping her with the tree."

"Well, why aren't you?"

"Because you're here." Ginny had never been one for subtlety. Instead, she believed in saying what had to be said, which Harry loved about her.


Ginny went to sit at Harry's side on the bed.

"Well, the room looks good. Mistletoe and all, yeah?" Harry said awkwardly.

"Sure. You do know the purpose of it, right?"

"I think so, considering it's all on -"

Ginny kissed him. A blissful brush of her soft lips against his, smelling sweet like always, a hint of vanilla included because she had helped with the baking. Harry  held her waist as he deepened the kiss, leaning over her as she gripped his shoulder. Their lips detached and Harry unknowingly pouted.

Ginny chuckled as she saw her boyfriend's cute face. "You going to initiate, or...?"

Harry kissed her again. Damn it, Ginny really should have locked the door when she came in. To be fair, putting two smitten teenagers in a house was never a good idea. Considering what he had walked in on in Hermione's room.

Harry smiled into the kiss and pulled her on top of him as he laid down on the bed. She nudged his nose with hers and she whispered, "I'm so happy and so scared."

"Why are you scared?" He breathed.

"Because I've never been so happy in my entire life. There's always been something to be scared of."

"I imagine you're scared if being with a supremely awesome being such as I,"  Harry said seriously.

"On the contrary, I'm scared of being with a supremely inflated head such as you," Ginny snorted.

Harry kissed her again, reassuring her that this was real and it was never disappearing. Reassuring her with gentle brushes of his nose, and his lips, entangling his fingers in her silky hair. Ginny was so magical. In a world full of magic, she stood out for him. She was it for him, he realized.

"Ginny, I-"

"Oi! If you're going to be a pukey couple, just please close the door." Ron's voice was heard, with the sound of Hermione's giggles blending in.

Harry internally sighed while Ginny launched a pillow attack on her brother's head, trying to ignore the rising blush on her cheeks.

Harry smiled, hoping like Ginny said that his happiness would never end. He then joined the pillow attack while laughing until the twins came up with the balls of slime.

Christmas dinner came at last, soothing Ron's worries. And his stomach's grumbling.

Everyone was gathered around the huge table in Grimmauld Palace. Mrs. Wesley's cheeks were pink with excess of wine and Mr. Weasley's words were slurred. Teddy was being coddled by Harry and Hermione while his parents were out on the terrace, claiming to look at the stars but everyone knew that they were just happy and needed to... make out. (To politely put it)

Harry was spending time with his godfather, talking about his father's memories, news at Hogwarts, scandals and well... Everything in between. They could very well be gossiping middle aged women like Ron's great aunt.

Speaking of Ron, he was laughing with Hermione's parents about her childhood blunders while she glared at them. Fred and George was, like always- developing new pranks. Some things would never change.

And thus when the clock struck midnight and Harry slinked off with Ginny towards his bedroom, he was very happy indeed. He smiled. He wanted this to last forever. Maybe it would.

As they kissed again and again, the mistletoe grew silently, the berries becoming brighter with ever passing second.

"Merry Christmas, Ginny. I love you."

"I love you too."

Outside their bubble, similar words were being exchanged.
Between Ron and Hermione. Between Arthur and Molly. Between Ted and Lupin. Bill and Fleur. Charlie and Xena. While Sirius and the twins were complaining about too much love.

Huh. It was funny how everything was so normal. Normal was sometimes underrated too.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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