(Author-chan's POV)

Rain softly tapped the ground and your head as you walk to Mount Massive Asylum. You lived in a cabin not far from there. As you continue walking, you looked down to see a road. Then, looking up, you saw it.

The large, abandoned building that was Mount Massive Asylum.

Hearing stories about this place made you grow curious about it. Reaching into your satchel, you pulled out a video camera. Checking the battery, you turn it on. You continue walking towards the building before reaching the main doors and walking inside.

The lobby was a messy scene. Corpse after corpse, blood from the bodies stained the tiled floor a permanent crimson red. Seeing this, your stomach started to knot. Your gut was telling you to leave, never to come back. Your mind, on the other hand, told you to keep go, and so you did. You found a set of wooden stair set. Two paths it had. One, going up and the other, going down. You thought about which way to go, finally decided to go down.

As you stepped on the stairs, the wood creaked and groaned. The wood was old and started to rot, but they were still strong enough to hold you.

Getting to the last few stairs, you turned the night vision mode on your camera. As you did this, you stepped on a weak spot on one of the step, causing your leg to go through the step, letting out a grunt of pain as this happened. The broken woods cut into your leg. When you pulled your leg out, few drops of blood dripped onto the broken wood. You took off to cover you were wearing, reveal your bare stomach and the shirt you're wearing, if you could even call it a shirt. Tearing part of the cover off, you wrapped the part around your bloody leg.

Going down the rest of the stairs, you continue, leaving the rest of your cover behind.

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