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     Nadia Reign Blake, somehow, became even worse during her time in the skybox. The teen resented the people who put her and her friends in the prison, destined to live out the rest of their days on death row. How could anyone ever tolerate the people who put them there? That was one of the many reasons she was such great friends with John Murphy, another delinquent, who had been arrested for setting fire to his father's arresting officer's quarters. Murphy's father had been arrested and floated for stealing medication for his son when he fell ill with the flu. The two were never seen apart, except from when Nadia was locked away in solitary, of course.

     Nadia was probably in solitary more than her own cell, undeniably making her roommate happy, basically getting an entire cell to herself. From causing fights with other delinquents to sending the guards on a wild goose chase whilst her and John Murphy hid in a supply closet in Charles Pikes classroom after getting sent out of their earth skills class for disrupting the class.

    Many other delinquents believed Nadia and Murphy were either fearless or suicidal, either way, that's what attracted Jasper Jordan towards the troublesome girl. During the rare occasion that she was actually in class or at lunch, he would try to tell a joke or do something stupid to try and win over the attention of the girl, as he could never pluck up the courage to actually speak to her. Although it worked sometimes, the conversation - if you could even call it that - would never stray from a laugh and a "nice one" every now and then. Sometimes Nadia would catch his gaze but before she could speak up, or even smile, the boy had whipped his head in the opposite direction, usually striking up a conversation with his best friend, Monty Green.

    Nadia had spoken to Monty a few times throughout her stay in the skybox, fascinated by what he had done to get in there, she found it quite bad-ass, and no matter how many times Nadia would bring up Jasper into the conversation, Monty never really got the hint to tell his best friend to speak to the girl who was just as intrigued with him as he was with her. Jasper believed she was fearless, but in all honesty, it was just a giant act. The poor girl was scared of everything, she couldn't do anything on her own, Murphy had to be by her side for everything she did. She was just really good at hiding it.

     This was proved the day her and ninety-nine other delinquents were sent down to earth in a hundred-year-old, ratty dropship. When the guards burst into Nadia and her roommate's - Charlotte, who she didn't particularly like, even if she was twelve - room insisting they face the wall and raise their right arms',she was terrified; yet she still masked it with a bratty attitude.

    "What the hell do you think you're doing? You piece of shit, coming into my room insisting I face the wall so you can put some metal shit on my wrist?" she spat with fear spilling at the seams of her confident facade. "No thanks."

     "Prisoner 146 and 167, face the wall or I will have no option than to use force." The guard spoke with authority, nodding his head towards the electric baton in his hand, knowing Nadia had been struck by that thing multiple times in her stay in the skybox.

    Unlike Charlotte who had fearfully ceased into the corner and place out her right arm, Nadia had something else to say. "You think I'm scared of your little taser? Huh? Won't be first and certainly not the last time I've been hit by that thing, try me."

    These were the kind of comments that got Nadia locked up in solitary, not that she minded all that much, it was a break from annoying cries and whines that came from her twelve-year-old roommate. Nadia honestly found the girl infuriating.

    One of the guards then proceeded to place some sort of wristband on charlotte's wrist, earning a wince from the girl, which Nadia just presumed it being a cause of Charlotte over-reacting and dragged her out of the room, all the while Nadia still sat criss-cross-applesauce on her uncomfortable, makeshift bed.

    "Well, guess you're gonna have to tase me, I'm sure you'll enjoy it very much." Sarcasm was another ingredient to Nadia's personality, again causing more bad than good. It seemed as if she enjoyed being put through pain by the way she constantly put herself in direct line of fire.

    The guard then proceeded to light up his electric baton with a flick of the wrist, causing fear to flicker quickly through her eyes and disappear before it was even there. He began his ascend towards Nadia, causing the girl to jump up on her feet, standing on top of the bed. The guard lunged for the criminal, only for her to dodge and slip around the guard and out into the general facility of the skybox. Only to be met with the shouts and protests from the other delinquents, all being lead towards the same direction.

Nadia then spotted Murphy and began to call his name, only be replaced an ear-clenching scream as the electric baton hit her directly in the back, at a seemingly higher level than usual, the unexpected voltage and force that hit her back caused her to come crashing down and for everything to fade out until there was nothing but a quiet hum and darkness.

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