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The six delinquents trekked their way through the radiation soaked trees, moving branches and twigs when needed. Nadia walked in alignment next to her cousin, catching up; after all, they hadn't seen each other for nearly a year.

Brown met brown, Octavias' twinkling in excitement, almost as if she was asking Nadia for permission to go speak to the infamous space walker bandit. Nadia just sighed and rolled her eyes, falling back to walk in step with Monty and Jasper. Of course, causing jasper to grow giddy at the sight of his crush walking next to him.

Once Finn had noticed Octavia standing next to him, he reached over to a bush holding many flowers, quite pretty flowers for that, and tucked the flower behind her ear.

Jasper seemed pretty interested in the two, so much so, he turned towards Nadia and Monty and spoke up, "now that, my friend, is game."

This caused Monty to chuckle, knowing the name of said flower would cause alarms to ring. "That, my friend, is Poison Sumac."

Just as Monty though, this did, indeed, cause alarms to ring and Octavia to shake the flower out of her hair and brush any remonisants out of her hair. "What? It is?"

It also caused Nadia to become increasingly more wearily of the space walker, thoughts of him deliberately wanting to harm Octavia came to mind. She quickly brushed them away, reminding herself Finn wasn't a monster, no matter how much she didn't like him.

The three in the back row made their way to join Finn and Octavia, all of them listening carefully to Monty, all the while Nadia stared at the flower, astonishment twinkled through her brown eyes, she'd never seen such a colour. Although it was a plain lilac colour, it amazed her. The closest thing Nadia ever saw to a colour was the flag just outside of her cell back on The Ark, of course she didn't know which country it represented, she still found it pretty.

Nadia stepped out of her nostalgic trance, to see Monty eating the purple flower. She tilted her head in confusion, hadn't he just said the were poisonous? She scolded herself for not listening to what he was saying earlier, obviously something to do with the flower not representing its name.

Jasper then spoke up, "his family grows all the pharmaceuticals on the Ark." He looked at Nadia after he'd finished speaking, only to find her looking right back at him. He quickly snapped his head back to the rest of the group.

Clarke turned around, after walking ahead of the group, clearly annoyed they weren't more-or-less sprinting, like she was, "hey, guys. Would you try to keep up?"

"Come on, Clarke! How do you block this all out?" Finn whined at the blonde, just wanting her to enjoy being on the ground as much as she should be.

Clarkes annoyance began to grow, she just wanted to get to Mount Weather, get their supplies and go back to camp, so they could actually survive. She was confused how they could be messing about and be so happy, when they were literally in a life or death situation. "Well, it's simple. I just wonder, why haven't we seen any animals? Maybe it's because there are none, maybe, we've all been exposed to enough radiation to kill us." Nadia could tell by that little speech she was gonna be a handful. "Sure is pretty though."

"Lighten up, will you? Worrying about it isn't gonna stop you dying." Nadia retorted, hoping to get the girl to stop being so uptight. The blonde didn't seem fazed and just breathed a light, "come on." and walked away.

The rest of the group just rolled their eyes and stood where they were, until octavia spoke up, "Maybe someone should slip her some Poison Sumac." this caused the group to chuckle and follow after the girl who began walking after Clarke.

"I gotta know what you two did to get busted." Finn spoke up in curiosity, after the group had been walking for a few hours.

To which Monty replied, "Sumac's not the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean." Jasper carried on the explanation, passive aggressive as ever, "somebody forgot to replace what we took."

"Somebody has apologised like, a thousand times." Monty replied, not particularly faced by his best friends little diss, knowing the boy wasn't still angry.

"How about you two? what'd they get you for?" jasper questioned, shifting his gaze between the two Blakes, although it lingered on the older of the two, still in disbelief she was actually hanging out with them - if you could call trekking through an irradiated forest, 'hanging out'.

Nadia knew it was a touchy subject for the younger brunette, thus she tried to change the subject quickly, hopefully stopping Octavias bad mood, "everything's so green you, you know?" But it was too late, the aforementioned girl had mumbled something under her breath, presumably something along the lines of "being born", and stormed ahead of them, to which Nadia followed in suite, in hopes to calm the girl down.

The two brunettes soon crouched down next to Clarke, watching whatever the blonde was staring at, leaving the three boys to bicker among themselves, although it was more Monty and Jasper, as Finn ignored the pair and followed shortly after the Blakes had vacated.

As they all gathered around a clearing in the woods, they noticed an animal, something none of them had ever seen before. Nadia wasn't sure what the animal was called, but she had seen pictures of them in textbooks in class. Clarke silently raised her index finger to her lips, indicating for the rest of the group to silence themselves, in hopes of not scaring away the animal. The group broke out in smiles of joy and wonder, it was truly a beautiful creature.

"No animals, huh?" Finn cockily smirked at Clarke, hoping she would light up a bit after seeing the creature. He slowly made his way towards the animal, until he stood on a twig, causing it to snap and create a noise, startling the animal. It snapped it's head, or should i say heads, towards the group. it had an extra face growing from the side of its head, all bubbled up and scarred, it was clear the animal had been poisoned by the radiation.

the group jumped back startled, not expecting to see what they saw, but who would've expected that? "well, I don't think it's supposed to look like that." Nadia mumbled to Jasper, although didn't stop the rest of the group from hearing. The creature soon ran off, leaving the delinquents to stare at eachother and where the animal once stood in disbelief. Had it really had two heads? surely that wasn't possible, yet again, they thought life on earth was impossible, yet look where they stood.

"c'mon, we need to carry on to the mountain." Clarke spoke up after the initial shock of seeing the animal had worn off. she stood up and began to walk off, hoping the group would follow, to which they did, of course with a snarky remark from Nadia, "sure, Chancellor."

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