Chapter 15: Early Transformation

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What did he put in me? Some sort of power he said. Its also called a curse. But why a curse? He said that I can go crazy and I woundn't be able to control myself. At random times though. I look behind me, seeing Jo is gone. I had the time to leave and find Edward and Kyle. They must of been worried sick about me.

I smashed a big hole out of the wall, so I could see what lies on the other side of it. What was there, was a hallway. It was all white. The floors, walls, and even the furniture. No one was in the hallway. Just me. I look around to make sure nothing was suspicious. I walked to the wall, and smashed it. I was finally outside. I walked out, and saw nothing. I just noticed that this building was abandoned.

Nothing was here besides grass. No trees, no buildings, no roads, nothing. I looked up at the sky. Noticing that it was night time. I looked straight. Seeing two black dots coming towards me. I didn't know what it was. I took a couple steps closer, so I can get a closer view of them. Wait! They weren't things. They were people. Two boys. And they were, Edward and Kyle. I walked over to the both of them and gave them both a hug. I looked at them smiling. I was so excited to see them. I looked at them both. They both smiled.

"How... did you guys know where I was?" I asked them.Edward puts his hands on my shoulders. And grinned.

"You should always know that I could find you. And Kyle helped me out by tracking Jo's footprints." I turned to Kyle. I stilled loved him. Even though he was a vampire. I didn't care no more. I didn't care because he was my brother. He'll always be my brother. Always. But I'm glad that he helped Edward find me. I pat Kyle's back and smirked. Then I realized something. I needed to tell them what happened while I was gone. I told them when we started to walk away from the building. I was in the middle of the both of them.

"So what happened in their? Did he hurt you?" Kyle asked me that before I could get the chance to speak. I raised my hands so I could look at them. My nails still looked like claws and were still black. I put them down and looked forward.

"I... I don't really know what happened to me in their. Its because Jo hooked me up to a machine that I couldn't escape out of. It was made of this kind of metal. I woke up and saw Jo right next to me. And, well he turned on the machine and he put some sort of power in me." Edwrad stopped me for a moment.

"What kind of power is this exactly? Do you know?" I nodded my head. Then I answered his question.

"He told me that it was some sort of.. curse. I actually have no idea why he called it that. But he said that at random times I can become this visious, evil, and disgusting monster. And I can't control myself. He said mostly when I'm thirsty for blood, if I'm angry or upset about something. I just don't get it." Edward's eyes widened. He grabbed my hand. Very tightly. He looked at me. His blue eyes looked beautiful. Oh so beautiful. We stopped walking.

"Anna. I'm worried about you. I don't know what he did to you exactly. But we need to keep you safe." Kyle looked at me as well. His eyes were also blue. His eyes were amazing.

"Yeah. We need to keep you safe and we need to make sure that doesn't-" He stopped and stared at my face.

"What? Whats is it Kyle?!" I looked at Edward. He touched my left cheek. Then let go.

"Anna... the left part of your face. Its turning black." I touched my face. What? Oh no! The transformation. Its starting! I backed up from the both of them. Then fell to the ground. I looked at my arms. Seeing red marks appear on them. I breathed heavily. I started to cry. Why now? Why was it happening?! I looked at the ground. So I couldn't see myself.

"ANNA!" I heard the both of them scream my name. Then I felt something pop out of my back. I didn't know what it was. But it felt like... wings. I still didn't fully transform yet because I could feel myself still. I looked at my hands. Seeing bigger claws pop up. Then my feet had claws. I still wasn't wearing shoes. I grunted and then gasped. What was going on? No! And now. I couldn't control myself.

*****Kyle's Point Of View*****

I looked at Anna. She was laying on the ground unconsious. What was happening? Did she transform? I see her get up from the ground. I backed up. Oh no! She... turned into that monster that she was talking about! She flew up into the sky and zoomed far away from us. She didn't even look at us. I looked at Edward.

"Come on! Lets follow her! And fast!" Edward shook his head. And we ran the direction that she went.

Was she okay? If we didn't find her, what would happen?"

The Vampire PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora