Chapter 8: The Transformer

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Authors Note: Hey guys. How is the story so far? I just wanted to let you know, I changed a little bit of the description, but not too much of it. Okay, good bye.

It was morning. I was in shade, still on top of the tree. I didn't see Edward anywhere. Wait. What happened with him? I panicked again, I couldn't stop panicking. I stood up. Looking around the tree, seeing if he was anywhere. No way. He wasn't anywhere.

All of the sudden, I heard something come from behind me. I jumped. It was Edward.

"Oh my god! You scared me!" I told him. He puts his hand behind his back.

"Whoops sorry! I was just hunting, and then I came back here."

"You should of told me before you left. You worried me sick!" He did. Seriously!

"You want to get off of this tree now? Its making me uncomfortable." He asked. I nod my head.

"Sure. Why not?" I wasn't comfortable being on this tree. Plus, I was thirsty. And I should of told Edward to bring me something back if he told me.

Edward took my hand, which made me blush. Then we jumped off of the tree, together. We both landed at the same time. He let's go of my hand. I saw nothing surround us. No animals. Which was a pain in the butt. He looked at my nice eyes. Then I looked at his. His was pitch black. Because of his hunting of course.

"I see your probably thirsty for some blood Anna." He said.

"Yeah I am. Also here's something you should of done. Brought me back a dead animal come to feed on!" I yelled out. He gasped and he hit his head.

"Gosh I'm so stupid." Well, I didn't think he was stupid at all. It was mistake after all.

"Hey! Your not stupid or dumb. You just made a mistake." I explained to him. He outs his hand down to his chest. If he had blood in his heart, he would be able to feel his heart beating. I look down and put my hands on my heart. I didn't feel a heartbeat. My heart didn't go on.

"Hey. Why are you copying me?" Edward asks. I look at him. I wanted to tell him the important reason why I touched my chest.

"Well. I liked it better when I was human. And I use to touch my chest to feel my heart go on. But now, since I'm a vampire now, my heart doesn't beat anymore. I just want to feel my heart beat again. I hate being a horrible immortal monster!"

"I do too! And I have no idea how I was turned into one anyway." I thought for a moment. Maybe the same person turned the both of us to a vampire.

"Wait. What if the same person turned both of us into a vampire.'

"But, we were turned into a vampire during a different year." Well, he has a point. How could the same vampire turn the both of us into a vampire on a different year?

I interrupted our conversation, because I totally forgot about my thirst with blood.

"Alright. I need to find myself some blood, and as soon as possible."

"Right." I searched around for at least one thing to drink out of. I saw nothing but trees. But Edward saw something.

"Follow me." He started to run for the target. I followed along. He stooped, but I bumped into him. Whoops.

"Ow. Don't do that."

"Sorry man." After apologizing, he walked behind a tall tree. I followed again.

"Look. See that deer over there? You'll have to sneak on it and then kill it with your bare hands. Oh come on! A deer again? I put my hand on his shoulder. I now wanted human blood this time.

"Sorry man. I don't want animal blood this time. I just realized that. Can we find some human blood instead?" He nodded his head. We walked down a path, still being in the forest.

We walked straight down a path. While we did, we saw a man just standing in front of us, but far from us. Was he a human? I walk towards him but i stopped, because he was walking towards me. Edward puts his hand on my shoulder, but he gripped it very hard.

"Stop Anna! Don't go near him!" But I see him disappear. I gasp and Edward leats go of me. Then i feel something touch my back. And i saw Edward's eyes widen.

"Well well well, if it isn't Anna." He said. I gasp again.

"How... do you know my name?"

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