Chapter 12: Dying For You

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*****Anna's Point Of View*****

I cried again. What if he was a vampire? I couldn't live with that. Him as a vampire? I wounder what would happen if he was a vampire too? Just like me. I must do something that I think that no one will know. I must... kill myself somehow.

I was crying in front of Kyle. He was still laying on the ground. I wonder if he was suffering in his mind but we couldn't hear a thing. I put my hands on his chest, to see if his heart was still beating. I haven't felt a heartbeat in a while. His heart beated very slowly. I put my head down on his body. I don't want him to die. Why did I ever do this? But if I didn't do it, I would of suffered. I had no choice but to do it.

Edward walks over to me, and sits on the ground, to keep me company. I let go of Kyle. And I hug Edward. He was so kind to try to help the both of us. But why bring us here and not to the hospital? I tug on the shoulder part of his shirt.

"Hey. Why didn't you bring us to the hospital? Why bring us here?" I asked. He rubs my back very gently, like a soft pillow. He didn't go rough on me. I bet he felt bad for me.

"Anna listen. I brought you to the hospital. But I left because you know, the doctors would notice that your heart isn't beating and your a vampire. They would probably sence that." I look at Kyle for a moment. Then I look at Edward. I couldn't believe that he was here with us. With me. If he wasn't here right now, I would of been turned to ash in the castle by now. He stopped rubbbing my back and he took my hand very gently.

"I know how you feel Anna. I feel bad for you. Seeing all of this terror happen to you, your brother, and well me sort of. Anna. Your now a princess that doesn't have a home, including... ahem, Kyle. Your just like me. Homeless." I knew that he felt bad for me. He sounded trusting. And serious. He looked at my black dress. It was all wrinkled, ragged up, and it had blood all over it. I was embarassed. At least I wasn't the only one who was messed up. Edward's black shirt was ragged up, ripped in some places, and had no blood on it. Well, okay then. I layed on Edward's shoulder. He rubs his hand on my forehead. Then I noticed something was missing. I lift my head, and looked at Edward.

"Um. Do you think you have any idea of where my crown is?" I watched his hands go in his pants pocket. My crown popped out of there. I grab it. Then I see something fall out of his pocket again. It was burnt a little. I picked it up. Then saw Edward staring at it.

"Hey. Where did you get this?" I read it. It was the letter that I gave Kyle on my seventh birthday. I wonder how he found this. I put the crown on my head and Edward gives me a smile. I give the letter to him.

"I found it in Kyle's bedroom. You see, I didn't call the hospital at all. I found this in his room and well, I wanted to give it to you for a memory. You wanted Kyle to keep this for the rest of his life right? Well when he wakes up, you can give it to him afterwards." I smiled. That was very nice of him. I didn't know that he would be so kind to me. Well he is cute. Another tear comes out of my eye. I couldn't stop crying once again. He was a lovely man. I look over at Kyle, and... his eyes. They opened.

I crawled over to him. rushing so I can see him. I really wanted to know if he transformed or not. He sits up. I hug him. With tears still coming out. I look over his shoudler. Seeing Edward moved so he can see my face, probably. I look at Kyles face. Then, something changed. I senced something. I let go of Kyle. Seeing Edward's face has gone to happy, to surprised. I look at Kyle.

"Kyle... your eyes. They..." He looks at his fingers. They looked like claws. His eyes were light blue. No... this couldn't mean. I stood up and ran away. I heard Edward and Kyle yell my name. But I didn't respond to them. I ran as far away as possible. I didn't want to see any of this. Tears flew to the ground while I was running. I heard the wind whispering to me, saying go back. Go back. But I didn't. I didn't want to listen to the wind. Instead, i wanted to brun myself to death. I stopped, then ran the direction of where the castle was. Was it still burning? If not I'll chop my head off. If yes, I'll burn myself to death.

I made it to the castle. Seeing it was still burning. No fire trucks, police, or ambulances were here at all. I stood in front of the house for a second. Then walked in. I ran to my room, still seeing all of the blood on the ground. I needed to do this. For myself. I didn't want to see Kyle as a vampire. Iw anted him to stay human. I didn't say that I don't love him no more. I do still. I just wanted to end my life. I looked at the flames in front of me. That was the hugest fire I've ever seen in my life. I walked up to it, but before entering it, I heard a door slam open. It was Edward and Kyle.

"Stop it Anna! You don't have to burn yourself just because I'm a vampire. Its not your fault. Its nobody's fault. You were thristy for blood. You had to drink some. And what I mean by some is my blood. Please Anna don't kill yourself. For me. For Edward!" I understood everything he said. I saw Edward walk up to me. He kissed me on the lips. I closed my eyes. Saying...

"Goodbye..." I fell in to the fire.

"NO! ANNA!" I heard them both scream that. I layed on the ground, seeing nothing but flames. I bet I would burn to ashes. But wait, a hand came in to the flames. Someone said "Grab on or suffer!" Should I? I don't know. Well guess what? I grabbed that persons hand. I fell on to the ground after he pullled me up. It was Kyle who pulled me up. My head hit first to the ground. Then I whispered something before I fainted again.

"Edward. Kyle... Thank you..." I closed my eyes. Feeling Kyle and Edward hugging me. Then I heard Kyle's voice.

"Sis. I hope you will never do that again... I love you." I loved that sound of that. Then I heard Edward say something to me as well.

"Anna...I wanted to say this for a while now... but I love you." Wait, what.... I couldn't hear anything anymore. Everything was dark to me... I felt dead. Oh wait. I am a dead, blood sucking demon... I couldn't change that at all. I wish I could. And I wanted to say this to the both of them...

"I... love you guys too..."

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