Chapter 38

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Kitty's P.O.V


That's the only thing I hear come out of the doctor's mouth. Literally the worse news, ever. At least, as of right now.

"Please tell me you're joking." The expression on his face stays put.

"You're actually pretty fortunate. It's only a couple of cracks, usually heals itself within a few weeks. The swelling may look bad now, but it will go down so long as you put ice on it at least twice a day."

I was supposed to be on TV next week, and I'm supposed to be going to this week's RAW for paperwork and to discuss my scheduling. There's no way I'm going if my nose is twice as big as normal and I look like someone...well, kneed me in the face.

"Take some ibuprofen, get some rest, and you should be good to go by February."


The doc hands me a stack of papers and leaves the room, keeping the door open behind him. I can hear some yelling coming from down the hall, so I get closer to the door to listen.

"You should have known better than that, dude!"

"Hey, watch your mouth!"

"Or what? You gonna kick me in the face too?"

Rami and Colby are going at it. Great. Just what I need.

I step out, just in time to see Fergal walking into the Performance Center. His eyes widen when he sees what's going on.

Please don't drag him into this. Please don't drag him into this.


Finn's P.O.V

At first, it's a seemingly perfect day. My car starts on the first try, the heater warms pretty fast, and there's little to no traffic on the way to work.

Yes, a seemingly perfect day.

I walk into the training room, only to find Rami and Seth, in each other's faces. Ready to kill each other.

I've known Rami for a long time. He's not a violent guy. It takes a lot to get the man red in the face.

"If you get any closer, I will shove my foot up your ass."

That's my cue.

"Hey, hey! What's goin' on?" The two men look at me, and I see someone in the hall, just past them. With a semi-bloodied bandage across their face.

"Stay out of this. It's got nothing to do with you." Rami barely looks at me, but he has a very cold expression on his face.

He's still upset with me. For something or another. Even if I'm not aware of what I did.

"Oh, sorry. Looks like it doesn't have much to do with you either, doesn't it?" I say back, nodding toward (who I now recognize) Katherine's direction. They both look over and see her walking up to us.

"Kitty, I'm-" Seth starts.

"Not talking to you." She puts her hand up to his face and walks past the two of them, to me.

"Ignore my face right now. Want to go for a walk?" I can tell it's something with her nose, just by how her voice sounds. There's also a bit of swelling around her eyes.

"Of course. Let me just put my things away."


Kitty's P.O.V

We walk in silence for at least five minutes before Fergal decides to ask.

"Mind tellin' me what happened back there?"

"Take your wildest guess."

"Well," He stops, thinking for a moment, "I'd say Seth kicked ya in the face, or let you face plant on the mat. At least."

"King's Landing. The move that shifted Cena's nose a few inches to the right."

I continue walking, only to realize that Fergal is still standing in one spot.

"What?" I ask, he looks down at the ground, then starts laughing. Great, he thinks I'm a joke, too. "Hey, it's not funny!"

"No, no. That's not it. Just-" He walks back to my side, "Why'd ya let him do that?"

Good question.

"I didn't. I mean, of course I didn't stop him, but he kind of just asked if he could practice something and just did it. No real warning."

He nods, appearing to understand what I'm saying. We head back to the parking lot, and I notice Carlos's car is gone.

What happened to him, anyway?

Rami walks out, giving Fergal and I a somewhat disgusted look from a distance before getting into his car and driving off. Colby follows shortly after, but doesn't drive off. We drove here together, so I'm assuming he's waiting for me.

"I should get going, thanks for coming out with me." I turn to Fergal, who looks a bit confused. He notices the running car.

"Oh, I see. Yeah, anytime, love." He hesitates, but catches back up to me and grabs my hand. "Wait, can I ask you something?"


"Why do ya keep running back to him? Hasn't he done enough?"

Now it's my turn to laugh. I'm not running back to anyone. I'm just being civil for the sake of my job.

But I get why he would assume so.

There's always a special spot for your first love. Even if they singlehandedly ruined the entire relationship.

"I'll catch ya later, Ferg."


face your demons //  finn bálorWhere stories live. Discover now