Chapter 22

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Two days later, Davenport, IA

Imagine being in love. The person you're in love with has their moments, but ultimately says just the right things to keep you on a leash.

Now imagine walking in on them, in bed, with someone else. Some of you probably couldn't even think of that person doing something like that, because they are the right person. What happens when you're with the wrong person and that's all you can think of?

That's how I feel right now, sitting in my car in the driveway of Colby's house. Three years ago, I walked into this exact same house to catch him in that situation. Now that we're starting to get close again, and he's lured me back to my home state to help him get settled after a career-threatening injury, I can't help but have a bad feeling.

I'm here unannounced, since I originally told him I wasn't coming. He pissed me off, posting unnecessary things about our relationship on the internet and causing me to get temporarily suspended from my job. Naturally, he sent me (what would be) a six-paged text explaining how sorry he is and how much he loved me and how he thinks we're still so good together. Part of me wants to believe him, but the other part is parked behind an unfamiliar vehicle right now. This situation has happened before.

I told myself not to get too attached. You've been there, done that. Learned every lesson, moved on and moved past it. We're friends now.

But friends don't confess their lingering feelings and ask them to fly half-way across the country.

It's late, and it's unlikely he's even awake. But who's car is this?

I see a light shining through the curtains on the window at the front of the house. I sneak my way up and try to get a peek of the living room, just in case he is awake. If not, I'll come back tomorrow. It's no big deal.

I see him, leg perched up on the table, sitting on the couch in front of the TV.

A lump immediately starts to form in my throat.

With a woman, dark hair and tattoos, snuggled up right next to him. With my fucking dog in her lap.

I knew this was a mistake. I knew from the moment I got in the car to drive to Orlando with my brother six months ago. Now I'm the fool. Yet again.


Finn's P.O.V

"I'm going with you to London." Mercedes says, lacing up her shoes as she gets ready to leave my apartment.

I had just told her that I'm defending my belt at Takeover in a few weeks, which is our first one outside of the country. I'll be closer to home, so I'm fairly confident. It was clearly a mistake to tell her about it, though.

"I don't think that's a good idea. You have shows to be on. I'll be fine by myself."

"Why wouldn't you want me there? I'm your girlfriend, right?"

I cringe as she says that. No, she's not my girlfriend. We kissed, once. Granted, we were both drinking a fair amount of alcohol. But I never once put a title on our relationship afterwards.

"Mercy, no. You need to stay here."

I hate to break the lady's heart, but I'm too focused on my career for anything right now. I'm also not very interested. There's got to be a spark to keep my attention, and that just wasn't there. Not to say that I don't like anything casual, just having fun...but that's not really what's going on either.

"So this is basically going nowhere? Why have I been staying in Orlando for the past two weeks?"

"Beats me. Maybe you should go back home." I say, opening the door for her. I don't mean to sound so bitter, but I didn't even invite her over. She's been following me around everywhere. The gym, work, back home. It's getting redundant.

"You'll regret this. Everyone does." She looks at me, fury in her eyes, and snatches the doorknob. A stack of papers fly from the counter to the floor as she slams the door on her way out.


face your demons //  finn bálorWhere stories live. Discover now