Chapter 5

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"They told me you'd be here."

They, huh? I'm assuming he's talking about Carlos and Ace. I would hope so. Because no one else in the company should know about our history. Unless he's told somebody.

I want to be nice, pretend that everything's been left in the past. But I brush past him, not saying another word. I can feel him walking behind me as I enter the room, joining my brother and his best friend.

"Hey Kath- oh." My brother looks at me, then up at the doorway. "See you two have already crossed paths."

Carlos and Colby hug it out for a few split seconds, talking about how they haven't seen each other in forever. I feel myself gag in my mouth. My brother exchanges an awkward handshake. Ace isn't one to hold a grudge.

I sit in the corner, scrolling through my phone while trying to ignore everything the three are chatting about.

@ MsCharlotteWWE has followed you on Twitter!

I decide to snoop a little bit, since she followed me first. I feel my heart drop when I see her name. Charlotte Flair. As in, Ric Flair? Did I just casually talk to Ric Flair's daughter in the bathroom? Yep. Totally did.

The television in the room erupts, and a stagehand pops her head into the room.

"Rollins, get changed and head out there. You're up."

"Welp," Colby stands up, grabbing his bag from the floor. "Watch and learn, boys." He looks over at me and smirks. Tft.

Who does he think he is?

Stop, Kat. You're over him. Been over him. The fact that your brother is now WORKING with him, you are working with him, does not change that.

His theme song, that I've only heard a handful of times starts to play from the TV, and he walks out on the stage. I get up to leave the room, but Aiden grabs my arm, making me sit back down.

"You can watch for 5 minutes. I promise you can leave if you want to."

Give me a break. I know what the guy's like on-screen. A lot of 'I can do better than anyone in the business, I don't need the WWE Universe, blah blah blah'. The polar opposite of how he was in real life. I get it. It's all part of being a heel.

Just as I was about to start a timer for five minutes (yes, literally), he starts talking about how he can beat ANYONE in the locker room, and is inviting someone to come out and fight him in the main event for the night. Yawn. Another theme song plays, and a guy walks out. I saw him walking around backstage too.

They talk for another few minutes, then ANOTHER guy comes out. This time, holding a belt.

Are they going to fight or not?


The show just ended with Seth winning his match, and the champion guy, I guess his name is Dean, cheap-shotting him. I didn't pay much attention to that, but I did stay in the room for the whole, agonizing 3.5 hours. It was cool to see Charlotte and Sasha in the ring, too. They didn't have a match, but they did get some screen time. Charlotte is a champion, too.

My phone buzzes.

Unknown number: Hey, it's Ashley. You want to ride with me or should we meet at the club?

Colby walks back into the room, just as I'm about to leave.

"Anybody want to go out for a drink?"

Ace and Carlos both agree, looking at me. "I'm already going out tonight."

"With who?" Aiden looks surprised.

"Charlotte and Sasha."

"SASHA BANKS?" He blurts out.

I nod. Carlos snaps his head up and looks at me too. Please tell me he's not going to say what I think he's gonna say.

"We should all go together!" He said it.


I end up carpooling with Ace. Ashley texted me the address of the place, which happens to be right next to the hotel we were all staying at. Perfect. So I can push my limits.

"Consider this a one-time-only thing, boys. Ladies night is for ladies, and your kind is only allowed on special occasion!" Mercy exclaims. I can practically see the hearts in my brother's eyes.

I sit next to Ashley, who's already on her second martini. Colby takes the seat next to me and I can feel the awkward tension start to rise.

"So, what brings you here tonight, Rollins? Got a hot date?" Ashley teases. He must not go out often.

"Uh, no." He shuffles in his chair, handing off a $10 to the bartender. "Just celebrating the win with my two pupils." He gestures toward Carlos and Ace, who are already going to the dance floor to act like the ass hats they are.

She stares at him for a second, then looks back at me. Then back to him again.

"You two know each other or something?"

I avoid looking back up at her, and stir the drink that's been sitting, untouched, in front of me.

"Oh, yeah." I feel his arm swing around my shoulder. "Kitty and I go waaaay back." What is he trying to pull here?

"Kitty?" I glance up only to watch her eyebrow raise.

"We dated casually for a while. Not a big deal." I spit out and down my drink, shoving his arm off of me and heading outside.

I knew this was a bad idea. There are footsteps running up behind me.

"Can we just talk for a bit?" Why did he follow me out? Clearly I don't want to talk.

I ignore him and keep walking.

"Katherine!" He grabs my arm and whips me around.


"Please, let me redeem myself."


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