Chapter 16

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I'm an idiot.

I repeat, I am a fucking idiot.

Or so, that's what my brain has been repeating over and over since I woke up, naked, next to my ex boyfriend in a hotel room at 6AM.

I keep my eyes shut, not wanting Colby, who's now up and getting ready to hit the gym, to notice that I'm awake. I only got 3 hours of sleep, but I'm definitely going to book it back to my hotel when he leaves.

A few minutes pass and I feel a presence next to the bed. The sound of the door shutting hits my ears and my eyes shoot open. I search the entirety of the room that is within my view, before actually getting out of the bed, in fear that he might have forgotten something. I throw my clothes on and toss my phone in my purse before noticing the little sticky note on the bedside table.

"Went to gym
Text me if you're coming w/ me tonight

I totally forgot that I agreed to tag along to Raw with him. I was supposed to go anyway, but now we're going to end up going together.

I fold the note in half and slip it in my purse anyway, ready to get the hell out of here.


After last night, I make sure to cautiously enter the hotel room. No one is half naked on the couch this time, and I hear a loud snore coming from the bedroom.

I peek past the doorway, still cautious. Carlos is sleeping by himself. No one else is here.

The floor creaks as I try to sneak past him to get to the bathroom, but not loud enough to wake him.

"So here I am.
I'm right back at it again."

My phone blasts, instantly making me cringe. Mostly because of how loud it is, but also because of the song that I haven't changed in the past year. It's A Day to Remember, which is one of Colby's favorite bands. Also was one of mine, hence the ringtone.

Carlos wakes up, looking significantly confused, before noticing my presence.

"AH! Hijo de pu-" He jumps. "Wait, you're back? Where did you go last night? Oh my god, dude, I'm so fucking sorry."

"Let me shower first. Then we'll talk." I say. I'm not mad, honestly. I just want some clarity.


I catch Carlos crying when I come back into the room. He was looking at something on his phone, and a tear or two fell from his face. He tries to hide it when he notices me, but I already saw it.

I also saw a lot of other things.

"Listen," I sit next to him, "I'm sorry for running out like that last night and not answering my phone. But you really gotta spill the beans."

"I don't even know what that means, but I'll take a guess," He fakes a laugh. "I'm, uh..."

"You can literally tell me anything and I will keep it a secret if you want me to. I promise."

A silence fills the room. Who am I to demand answers like this? It's none of my business. But, still. I walked in on it.

"You remember a few months ago when I went back to Mexico for a funeral? Someone I used to date?"

"Yeah, you seemed to be getting over her death pretty well."

"Yeah..." He says, looking at me for a split second, before darting his eyes back to the window. "Well, HIS death was kind of expected. He was into drugs, got to know the wrong people...that's why I left and came to the states."

Another tear threatens to fall, and he refuses to look at me.

"Carlos, I'm sorry..."

"I'm gay."

"That's okay."


"There's nothing wrong with that. But what about your Don Juan persona? Just a cover?"

"Just a cover."

Now it's all clear.

"And Manny?"

"Not talking to me right now. He stormed out after you did." He looks back at his phone, and frowns. "He's not just into guys. But he's not out."

Did I just ruin the thing they had going on? Something was telling me to knock first...

"Does Ace know?" I look at my missed calls, one being from my brother.

"Yeah. He knows. I still don't want anyone else to, though, you know? Promise me you won't...what did you say? Spill the frijoles?" He cracks a smile.

"I promise....I won't...spill the frijoles." I laugh.

I get up, and start gathering my things. I just need a nap before going to Raw. We're flying back to Orlando after tonight's show, and I want to be on that plane ASAP.

"Okay, but..." Carlos blurts out, "You still didn't answer my question."

"What?" I ask, looking up from my suitcase.

"Where did you go last night?"


also i should get another update up tomorrow or wednesday aiuyhsdeuihtguisd i'm feeling extra motivated tonight so

face your demons //  finn bálorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن