"Wow, I never knew you were so good at that~" Mystery smirked ever so slightly.

Alfred giggled and punched Mystery's shoulder playfully. The cat smiled back, he looked genuinely happy.

They noticed it was getting late, so Mystery stood up, kissing Alfred softly on the head before retiring to his bedroom. Alfred smiled, leaving to go to sleep as well.

Back in his room, Mystery removed all of his clothes, except for his boxers. He then grabbed Mago, hugging him tightly while curling up onto his bed.

"Daddy's home! Did you miss me?" He asked the doll joyfully.


"I missed you too!"

The doctor fell asleep quickly, snuggling Mago to his chest with a smile on his face.


Alfred took off his clothes and put on sweatpants and a white T-shirt. He laid down on his blankets, staring up at the ceiling.

"This is the first time I'm sleeping alone..." He whispered quietly in the darkness, his chest tightening uncomfortably with sadness.

He just shrugged it off and burrowed into his blankets, falling asleep.

Alfred's Dream

Alfred stood, paralyzed in horror, at the scene before him. Mystery was leaning over a mangled corpse, blood splattered onto his lab coat, a gleaming knife clutched in his right hand.

Tears started streaming down Alfred's face, "I thought you changed Mystery!" He cried.

Mystery turned to face him with a manic expression, "ME? CHANGE!? HEE HOO! I GUESS YOU WERE WRONG!"

He began advancing towards Alfred, who frantically ran in the opposite direction. Laughter rang down the hallway, filling the dog's ears. He screwed his eyes shut tightly, attempting to block out the noise with his hands. He was sweating and panicking, trying to escape. Suddenly he tripped over himself, falling hard to the ground. Mystery was close behind him, grabbing onto the man's shirt collar and pulling him to his feet.

"ANY LAST WORDS!?" He smiled like a madman.

Alfred opened his eyes, staring at Mystery's face, willing his heartbeat to calm down

"No, you're not the real Mystery!" He struggled, "I know the real Mystery, he wouldn't break the promise that he made to me..."

The image of the doctor began glitching, and he let go of his hold on Alfred.

"Stop it, you idiot!" He fumed, staring down at his fading body.

Alfred stood up weakly.


He suddenly jolted awake, running his hands through his hair, trembling. He struggled for breath, the dream had felt so real. He peered over at the alarm clock next to his bed; it was two in the morning. He could try to go back to sleep, but he knew it would be no use. Instead, he got up and walked down the hallway to Mystery's room, knocking softly on the door.

The doctor woke up when he heard the quiet sounds. He grabbed his phone, checking what time it was. He groaned as he got up, grabbing Mago to set him aside in a corner. He walked to the door, yawning due to exhaustion. When he opened it, he saw Alfred standing there, nervously looking up at him.

The dog blushed when he saw Mystery was only wearing his boxers.

Mystery raised an eyebrow at him, "What?"

"You're in your boxers..." Alfred pointed out.

The cat blushed, "Uh, s-sorry... what is it you needed?"

Alfred hesitated, "Can I sleep with you?... I had a nightmare."

"Aw, poor Freddy had a nightmare?" The doctor smirked at him. He then proceeded to pick him up and sling the man over his shoulder, carrying him into the room.

"H-hey!" Alfred cried out in surprise.

"Heh Heh, yeah you can sleep with me," Mystery said, bringing Alfred to his bed and setting him down.

He crawled in next to him, hugging him securely from behind. Alfred sighed happily, relaxing almost immediately. He started feeling sleepy a few minutes later, falling asleep embraced in Mystery's arms.


It was 8:40 in the morning when the two finally woke up. Mystery was up first and looked over to see Alfred still soundly asleep. He also noticed his arms were still wrapped around the other man. He tried to wiggle his way out, but every time he was about to get his hands free, Alfred grabbed them back to keep them in their position. The doctor had no choice but to stay since he didn't want to wake the other up. He rested his head gently onto Alfred's. He could hear the man snoring cutely.

"Aw, he's so adorable," he said quietly to himself.

"I'm not adorable," Alfred mumbled.

"Oh good, you're awake. Could I please go downstairs to start my morning now?" Mystery asked.

Alfred turned his head to look up at him, "No, you're stuck with me now."

He hugged Mystery, as the cat just groaned and hugged back.

"This is going to take a while, isn't it?"

Alfred smiled, "Yup."

End of Chapter 8

Words- 1330

Can't Stop Thinking About You (Alstery)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now