415 37 31

NOVEMBER 24th, 1969


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      "Welcome back to WNBC-FM! And we're going to be asking for more song requests in the next five minutes, but right now, we've got a special surprise to tell you all FM listeners right now!" I heard the overhyped radio DJ with his outdated translantic thick accent announce while I was cutting my client's heat damaged hair into the popular Afro hairstyle.

    "Y'know, I've been thinking about changing my name, sumethin' a bit more ethnic, a bit African, you know what I'm sayin'?" I heard Toni's client conversate about changing her name, as she digged the dirt out of her nails.

      "Why is everybody changing their names nowadays? If your name was Susan, let it be Susan. I don't wanna hear no Susan Juju Akara Baboom in here!" Toni loudly complained, receiving some hostile looks and reactions from waiting clients. Toni was infamous around the block for being outspoken and thinking out the box, which can be intriguing to many people sometimes but it can also trigger some tension, especially towards her clients.

      "Well, it's called sticking to my roots! At the end of the day, we all from Africa!" The client's voiced echoed across the room as she defended her statement, receiving some comments and "mmms," of agreement.

    "Right on, sister!" One of the clients under the hairdryer agreed, while others replied with the same comment.

    Toni snapped the last piece of her client's hair before swiftly turning her seat around, "And I'm from Bedstuy. Next!" Toni sternly called the next customer, as the other client huffed before sucking her teeth, "Honey, you need to love yourself before you speak to me like that," The client was close to Toni's face as she gave the warning, before she stormed out. 

   Toni sucked her teeth, "Y'all know she a black panther? Them motherfuckers be coming to every store now and wanna be starting something by bringing up Africa and how we black girls don't love ourselves," She cutted herself off by shamelessly sucking her teeth once again, "Please, with her fucking crazy ass," Toni complains degraded to a whisper before she asked which hairstyle did the customer want.

    "Wait a minute, did she pay?" I mentioned, trying to reminisce of the black panther have a single cent to Toni, "Oh-ho-ho, that bitch didn't. But don't worry, though. I know where she lives," Toni sticked her blue covered tongue out from drinking a odd colored slushee.

    "As some of you guys may know," The radio DJ rapped on the station, "The Rolling Stones will be starting their tour tomorrow right here in New York City! And we got the tickets, so for the 5th caller who can guess this song, you can win the free tickets! Call 878-688-9090! That is 878-688-9090!"

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