Time out

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One of the many songs from (Y/n)'s phone rings out, which not only wakes up the (H/c) haired girl, but also her friend sharing the room with her. Sachi is not what you'd call a morning person and was very annoyed that (Y/n)'s alarm went off at the ungodly hour of five in the morning. Sachi let's her friend know how much she detests being woken up by throwing the nearest object, which happens to be a book, at her, fortunately with her friend still half asleep her aim was off. (Y/n) quietly apologizes to her and quickly gets changed into some work out gear and heads toward the dorm kitchen. (Y/n) goes into the fridge without bothering to turn on any lights and grabs her water for her jog, but as she turns to leave she runs into something, or rather someone.

"I know it's early, but you should really watch where you're going. What are you doing up this early anyway (Y/n)?" Bon asks her barley being able to tell it's her.

"I could be asking you the same question Bon, but if you must know it's part of my routine, I usually wake up early to go on a jog. What about you, why are you awake?" (Y/n) asks him as she goes to turn on the lights so they can see each other.

She then notices that he wasn't dressed in he's school uniform like she was assuming, he instead is wearing a stripped t-shirt and sweat pants.

"That's what I'm doing. I wake up early and go for a run. You're not messing with me are you?" He questions her suspiciously.

"No, I genuinely do this every morning, except for weekends, Sachi and I have a part time job during those days. I didn't start till recently because I wanted to get used to the surroundings first. You can ask Sachi how much she hates the fact my alarm goes off so early if you don't believe me." (Y/n) explains to him with a laugh.

"Shima's the same, he hates it when my alarm goes off. Hey, do you maybe want to jog together?" He asks her with his hands in his pockets and a smile.

"Yeah I'd love to, let's go." (Y/n) says to Bon thinking that a jogging partner couldn't hurt.

After the two of them finish their workout they go back to the dorm and into the kitchen to get something to eat. As they enter everyone stops what they were doing and begins staring at the pair. There was a moment of absolute silence that felt like an eternity, before (Y/n) finally spoke up.

"Are you guys gonna keep staring or say something?" (Y/n) asks the room while putting a hand on her hip.

"Oh my gosh! Were you too working out together? You went on a date and didn't tell me!?!?!?" Sachi screams as she stands up abruptly while slamming her hands down on the table.

"W-what, no it's not like that!" The now blushing (Y/n) shouts at her friend.

'It wasn't a date we just went for a jog together what the hell Sachi?' (Y/n) thinks to herself while glaring daggers at her friend, though its not very intimidating considering how red her face is.

"Wow, Bon I never knew you had it in you." Shima states with a smirk as he continues to eat.

"I-it wasn't a date! We just went on a run together!" Bon growls at the pink hair boy, face no longer red from just embarrassment, but now of anger too.

"If that's the case then why are you both blushing messes, hmm?" Sachi says in a suggestive manner to the pair, making them blush more.

'God she's such an instigator' (Y/N) thinks to herself annoyed by her friends' antics

"Ugh never mind, I'm going to shower and change. Sachi, Shima you better watch backs now cuz payback is coming your way" (Y/N) says with a smirk, while texting Bon asking for details about Shimas weaknesses, for her revenge against the too embarrassing them.

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