Chapter 71: After Prom

Start from the beginning

"Where am I?" she asked.

"In a closet," Jake said. As Ryder helped her up, he added, "In a hotel in Vegas."

"What?" she exclaimed, pulling away from Ryder in surprise, losing her balance and stumbling to the ground. "Ow!"

The guys helped her up and said, "Come on. We're headed out to meet with John and Julie."

"Where's Dan?" asked Harmony, panicking. "And Rory? And Sugar, I was with them last."

"No idea," said Ryder. "Call them."

Harmony looked around for her phone but failed to find it. "It would appear I've lost my phone," she said defeatedly.

"Join the club," Jake said. 

Ryder sighed. "Here, use mine," he said, handing his over. "It has low battery so make it..." His voice trailed off as the phone vibrated, beeped, and powered up. "...quick..."

"Great..." Harmony mumbled. "My boyfriend is lost somewhere in freaking Nevada and now I have no way of reaching him. Let's just get out of here, please."

She led them out of the room in a haste and Jake prayed that somehow he could zap himself away from the group of people he got along with least in glee club.


 "You guys got called in, too?" said Alex as he walked into an empty McKinley classroom. Marley, Amity and Joe were sitting quietly at desks. 

"I'd never been in this room before," Marley said, looking around.

"This is where they have detention," said Alex. "For a while, I lived here. Anyway, what's going on?"

"They can't seem to find anyone who went out to party last night," Amity sighed. "Weren't you with them?"

"I hit up one of the after parties," he answered. "But then they all wanted to sing and so they went to Sugar's place for karaoke and drinking. And that's when I peaced out."

"This is crazy," Marley said. "I've been calling them all morning and nobody is answering. I mean, you'd think one of them would have their phones."

"Sugar's housekeeper said they left her place at around one and Sugar never returned," said Joe. "I'm getting worried."

"Me, too," Amity nodded. 

"It's only noon," said Alex. "I'm sure they are just crashed out somewhere and waiting to sober up and head home."


"We need to find somewhere to charge our phones," said John when he and Julie were heading down the elevator with Harmony, Jake and Ryder. They were both wearing I heart Las Vegas shirts and beach shorts plus a Las Vegas bikini underneath for Julie-- the only clothing items Ryder had found for them at the gift shop. Ryder and Jake, meanwhile, were wearing their dress shirts and slacks from the previous night-- all they were missing were the tuxedo jackets. As for Harmony, she was wearing a typical sundress, which she had no idea how she came upon.

 "I don't understand..." Julie muttered as they walked to the lobby. "How did we end up in Vegas?"

"Of all the places to be stranded in..." Harmony complained. "This is awful."

"Look at the bright side," Jake offered. "At least it's not Napa Valley. It'd be pretty cool if it was Bangkok or Mexico though."

"Dude, enough with the Hangover references," Ryder told him. "The last thing we need is to live through that movie."

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