~~ He Is Mine ! ~~

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~~ Fan's POV ~~  :

I think we spent a whole hour playing around, so we finally got back to where we started running. we still in our Wolves' forms, that's why I mind-talked with Chao:

- Well, I was so excited for running but I just remembered I didn't bring any clothes and the ones we were wearing...

Chao: hahaha, I planned everything don't worry. remember that beautiful tree we always used to put our clothes behind before having a run?

Fan: yeah?

Chao: nothing did changed.

I run towards that tree and.. there were two bags behind it. I quickly shifted back and wore my clothes, walking out from behind it I gestured to Chao to go shift and change to his clothes , while he was changing :

Fan: you always amaze me boy kkk~~

Chao: I am always above your expectations.

Fan: you improve *clapping*  !aagghhh * looking to the sky * the night is getting more and more beautiful oh my god.!

Chao: I know right! I want to stay here till the morning but we should head back. Let's not make it suspicious and more importently let's not let that dorky couple alone for a long time. * he laughed *

Fan: ah I totally forgot about them! let's go.

we started walking back to the tents but never shutting up

Chao: so are we going tomorrow to our land?

Fan: absolutely yes! do you think youngjin and Ann will come along?

Chao: you are so stupid if you didn't figure it out till now!

Fan: what do you me-- oh hold up! do you mean Youngjin planned all of this ? I mean suggested the place and all... does that mean he didn't forget about it?

Chao: are you crazy Fan? how can you even think like that! he never did! for the first two years we come both of us each anniversary but when I went to america he stopped coming so he won't leave you and Ann alone! but seems you came every year so, we were the stupid ones actually.

Fan: I am speechless honestly.. thank you for being my only family.

Chao: don't be so emotional xiongmao! but thank you for being our one and only family too.

chao side-hugged me and we kept walking like that and enjoying the night on our way back to where the rest at.

as soon as we arrived I sensed something wrong in the atmosphere, so I whispered to chao :

- chao, don't you feel something is off? the atmosphere is so weird here!

Chao: you felt it too? *he whispered to me back*

Fan: hum. let's figure what's going on.

we got closer to the tents and everybody was doing their stuffs normally, if you observe it like that you would say everything was pink and they are acting normally but not for someone who can sense the feeling of an insecet ** if that makes a sense **.

Chao: HEELLOO! we are back ~~

Jimin: welcome back~~

Namjoon and suga's eyes were on me ever since we showed up. ** it's clear. there is something going on. Fa what do you think?**

// there definetly is! Namjoon is sending a very strong and confusing vibe, what should we do? // -FA

** I felt it too ! but if you felt i,t that means KIMJOON is searching deep in me, you know what? you should go unreachable now till I find out what is happening! alright?**

"Will You SHOW me?" + "Make It Right." // Jungkook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now