I didn't even wait for their response, I swayed my hips and left them. I made sure to pick up my towel, bending over to give them a view. I was feeling flirty and kind of sexy today. There was something in the summer air that made me feel free. I picked up my water bottle, my small canvas bag and chucked my sunnies on. "Goodbye gentlemen." I waved and made my way around to the front of the house.

I thought about heading inside and reading a book, but I wanted to explore the territory. I held my head high, sunnies over my eyes protecting my vision from the rays of the summer sun. I smiled as I walked down the driveway which seemed more like a pathway. With not a clue in the world where I was going, I let my feet do the walking. I ignored a few stares and followed the path through what I believed it the main street.

I smiled softly, walking past a few people staring at me. I looked around and saw a few shops. There wasn't much around, but enough for the territory to live off. I do, however, recall a town not far from the territory which most people also use during their time. So I could understand why there was only a couple of shops around. There was a grocery store to buy fresh produce which I assumed was grown in the fields or local gardens. A café for those that needed something to eat or drink, the local pub slash hotel for good dinner and finally a news seller.

I walked along and finally came to a corner, which was an empty store front. It was upsetting seeing a store not being used or simply out of business. I looked across the main street, decided to have something to eat and made my way to the café. I took a moment to look down the main street and see both the Alpha's house and the Pack house, which happened to be the opposite end of the main street. Alpha down one end and the pack house down the other.

I walked into the somewhat busy café, which a few questionable looks I make my way to the front counter. I quickly eyed the menu that was displayed and waited for someone to talk too. A woman appeared from behind the counter and gave me a glare. I smiled sweetly at her.

"What can I get you?" She asked, not so politely.

"Hi," I say, "can I get a cup of tea, earl grey and a slice of the cheesecake, please?"

She looked at me, rolling her eyes. "Would you like that to be here?"

"Yes please," I answered having nowhere else to be.

"That will be $8.50. Cash or card?" She looked down.

I look through my bag quickly and grab my wallet, handing over a couple of notes. She hands me a table number and my change before sulking away, not before giving me a nasty side-eye. I turn around, astonished by this rude behaviour. I walk to a seat and table tucked away in the corner of the café and place my belongings down. I take out my notebook and pen, placing it on the table in front of me.

For over a week, these pages having been staring at me, mocking me even. I opened up the front over and looked on the third page. One dot point was placed but nothing written beside. I had been mulling over what to write and what I needed in this relationship. The dot point simply laughed at me for not writing something, anything. I twisted the pen, so that the pen would actually appear, and I thought about what I needed.

"What do I need..." I muttered to myself, taping the pen on the notebook, trying to think.

I honestly thought of what I needed. Firstly, I needed someone to care and love me for me, to never leave me alone in a time of need. Secondly, someone to trust me, to have faith in me, believe in me. Thirdly, to make me feel special, like I'm wanted and needed. After I got the first three points down, a few more followed and I had a total of 10 things I needed in this relationship.

The rude woman from behind the counter arrived with my tea and cheesecake. I gave her a quick smile and thanked her. I allowed the tea to brew a little longer before I wanted to pour it. Instead I took a small mouthful of the cheesecake and almost threw it back up. Nothing was right about this cheesecake. No flavour and the cream cheese, whipped cream mixture just seemed off. The base didn't seem right at all.

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