Chapter Two

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I'm just going to get in the habit of doing disclaimers. Sorry if it seems annoying, but I want to be on the safe side so here it is. Disclaimer: I own nothing except the au and like one oc. Also the character designs are mine. Anyway, on with the show!

  The minute Joey had the idea to turn on the machine he heard a little voice in the back of his head. It said something along the lines of 'This is a bad idea'. He had never listened to the voice before so why should he now. He looked around the room to find a way to turn it on, but alas it was not that easy. Of course it wouldn't be that convenient. He had probably used up all his luck on the dry cells. Oh well, at least he could have an excuse to wonder aimlessly the studio. He ran out of the room once again tripping over the pipe. Curse his inability to pick up enough speed to unnecessarily hurdle objects. Sometimes being short sucked. He continued through the hallway back to the main room. Henry was laughing at him. He just knew it. Honestly, Joey would have laughed to...if the joke wasn't on him. It's always funnier when the joke was on some one else. The ex animator went down a hall and tried to open the door. It was locked.

"Why Henry? Why would you do this to me? I just want to snoop through your stuff," he said.

He cracked a small smile. In all seriousness though, why was this door locked? The place had been shut down for years why would you need to lock a door when there was no one around to even open it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bobby pin. He stuck it into the doorknob and tried to pick the lock. He learned how to do this when he was a teenager. He fiddled with it until he heard a satisfying click. The door creaked as he opened it. At this one moment, Joey Drew discovered what it was like to feel anger and fear at the same time. The second creepiest Boris cutout he had ever seen stood in front of him. It was like something straight out of a nightmare! The cutout held a sign in its paws. It was what the sign said that gave him mixed feelings.

Little Red's lost his way.

   Joey was not entirely sure how to feel about this. On one hand, this piece of cheap cardboard had called him out on being short, which he was already painfully aware of. On the other, this thing knew he was wearing red. Granted he wore this particular vest a lot but still. The ink it was written in was dry. This was done a while ago. How would Henry know what color he'd be wearing when he showed up? This was getting creepier by the minute. Joey backed out of the room, shut the door, and locked it.
"Well, never doing that again," he said.
Joey walked back towards the exit.
"You know what screw it," ha said, "I've got other things to do. See ya later Hen."
Joey put his hand on the door knob and turned it. The only problem was that it turned out to be locked. He pulled out the bobby pin again. He tried to pick the lock, but the pin broke. Great. He was stuck. There wasn't a window in sight that he could break either. That was strange. Joey was sure there had been a few before he left. Guess Henry decided that they didn't need any. He sighed. Well time to screw around some more.

   At this point, Joey had been wandering around for what 10 minutes? It was then that he found something interesting. It was some kind of tape recorder. There could be anything on it. There could be nothing on it. Joey wanted to find out. He pressed play.

  He recognized the voice. It kind of rough and raspy. He instantly recognized it as Thomas Conner, the rather disgruntled janitor.

I'm starting to wonder what's going on in that brain of Henry's. Don't get me wrong he's a smart man just....unorthodox. First it was the machine. I'm not sure what we need it for. I don't think anyone here needs that much ink, and it's a pain to clean up after. Next he has us putting these objects on pedestals in the break room. Says it'll work like a pressure plate. Says it'll turn the machine on and off. I guess he knows what he's doing, but something just

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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