남준: 멀리 (Part 1)

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"Okay Okay, I'm on my way, you know what to do when I get there right?" I said as I yanked my suitcase onto the weighing scale and got my ticket out to show the flight attendant.

"Yes, I know, yep, see you there." I smiled brightly and ended the call. I couldn't wait to see him. Namjoon and I have been dating for a while now, but I still hadn't finished college. Because of this, we were long distance and it broke my heart that I couldn't be there to make memories with him. Using this as a motivator, I finished my education and applied for a job in Seoul, to my luck everything went well, and without Namjoon knowing, I was moving just ten minutes away from him. I couldn't wait to see his face. The first person I told was Jin, he was helping me with my settlement and the little surprise I planned for Namjoon.

"FLight number 45890 is now boarding, please make your way to the gate." My eyes widened, I was going to be late! Tightening the straps of my backpack I had as my carry on I rushed to the gate and handed another flight attendance my passport and ticket. I didn't relax until I was in the comfortable seats of first class to the airplane.

"Halmoni, here, use this." I smiled and handed the grandmother that was sitting next to me a pillow I brought with me. She's been struggling to sleep comfortably for the last ten minutes. She smiled gratefully at me.

"Thank you sweetie." She dug through her old fashioned purse an handed a few candies.

"Here, sweets, for a sweet girl." I blushed and accepted the treats happily. I slept through most of the rest of the journey but that didn't calm my nerves. My heart was beating out of my chest when I exited Incheon National Airport.

"Mrs. Y/n!" My eyes found the identifier of the voice and I made my way to the black car.

"Because of the fans, the boys could not pick you up, they are deeply sorry for that, I'll be in charge of getting you around safely." He whispered in my ear. I nodded understandingly and smiled. He helped with my luggage and climbed in to the front seat.

"I'll take you to your house first, Jin will come personally pick you up around seven today evening." He said without taking his eyes off the road. I nodded and remembered he couldn't see me.

"Okay." I fidgeted uncomfortable. The car ride was mostly just silence and soft elevator music. To my embarrassment, the atmosphere lulled me right to sleep, after a good forty five minutes we finally arrived at my new house. It was a beautiful apartment complex. Jin helped me pick it out and I never loved anyplace as much as this.

"Thank you." I bowed gratefully and softly closed the door after he left. The place was already furnished but it lacked what made a place home. Unpacking my belongings I began cleaning and organizing. After a good three hours I was exhausted from my journey and organizing the place. After taking a hot shower and dressing in a nice airy sundress I called Jin.

"Oppa I landed." I began.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE HERE!" I flinched and giggled.

"Me too! I squealed.

"Did you get settled? Did you eat and take a shower? How's the house, did you say hi to your neighbors?" I sighed.

"Oppa, stop nagging, I settled nicely and took a shower. I haven't eaten yet but I'm planning on running to the store to make a cake or something to give the neighbors. I don't want to introduce myself empty handed." I rambled. Just than I heard the doorbell ring.

"Hold on, someone just rang my doorbell." I made my way to the door, I literally didn't even meet anyone yet, who the heck was at my door?

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