I'm screwed. I can't tell him the truth. I can't tell him that I ate a strawberry and that I can now make daggers appear in my hands out of nothing. I'll sound even crazier than I already do.  "I-"

"Your Highness you are wanted in the meeting room." A loud voice calls from the door. Relief flooding me, I look across the room to see Tony watching me, his hands keeping the large double doors open.

I give a calm smile, "I'm sorry but we'll have to continue this another day." I walk off the stairs and make my way to Tony, not bothering to say good day to that man. Tony and I rush out the room and into the hallway. "You really saved me there," I say.

I look over at him, seeing him blush, "Yeah my dad can get really intense sometimes." He says quickly.

I can't help but blush as I see him begin to act all shy, my mind going to the thoughts of 'what did I do?' 'Did I say something to make him like this?' 

"Did you have fun at the dance?" I ask him. "I don't really remember much of the coronation. I remember talking and introducing myself to other politically important people" And dancing with Jace. "But that's all I really remember. Oh and...um...the uh Scott thing." I pause, my mind looking back into the moment I woke up. The lights were turned on and him being there. I cringe as goosebumps form on my arms. 

"Are you serious?" He asks me. "That's all you remember from that night?" His voice cracks, making me even more concerned. 

"Yeah, I probably got really drunk-"

"Huh, yeah." I hear him mumble. 

"Are you OK? You're acting like a child-"

His hands grab hold my wrists as he corners me against the wall, his touch sending little shivers up and down my arms. "Are you playing me right now Katie?" He asks.

"I don't-" His gaze makes me stop talking. His eyes scanning every inch of my face. 

"Katie...you kissed me." He whispers. My eyes flutter from his breath lightly brushing my face. "After dancing with Jace you started to cough and you seemed pretty weak. As I was bringing you to your room you started acting all silly, saying weird things.  You were definitely on something." His eyes meet mine, "And I brought you to your bed so you could get some rest." Then, the blue eyes slowly go down my face to my lips, "And you kissed me." He lets go of my wrist and his hand lightly goes down my face, skimming my cheek and stopping right before my lips. I try not to shiver, try to make my face neutral, but it doesn't work. 

"Did you not want me to kiss you?" I ask, my voice sounding scratchy. 

"Yes." He says, "And I don't want to now but-" His lips take me in, stopping everything. His lips are not as soft as I thought they'd be, but they taste like maple syrup. Both his arms grab hold my hips, pulling me close to him. I don't know what to do. Do I move my arms? Last second, my hands travel up his arms and up to his hair. His hair isn't that soft but I grab onto it and he gasps. And not a satisfied gasp. He pulls away and looks at me, confusion written all over his face, "What the heck?" He says. 

"I'm sorry, I was trying to do what I read about in make out scenes where the girl like clings onto the guys' hair." My eyes look everywhere but him. "I'm really sorry if that hurt. We should probably go to the meeting-"

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