2. You thought right, loverboy

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Lou's POV

"Oh my dearest, Lou", Cheryl emphasized while walking into my room. "Good morning to you too, Cheryl", I chuckled at my best friend while putting on my navy blue skirt.

"I can't believe it's already homecoming tomorrow, are we going together?", she asked sitting down on my bed. "Uhm I actually was going to go with Reggie, I thought you were going with Polly", I explained.

"Oh right. Well, how is your little boyfriend doing anyway?", she asked. "I think he is okay, we are okay", I smiled.

I applied some of my lipgloss and smiled at myself in the big mirror, "Oh and you won't even believe it, Jug and I are going to my dad now".

"Really? Are you ready to give him another chance?", Cheryl asked clearly worried about me. "I think so. Jug said he changed but I wouldn't leave Thornhill and your family when they treat me as one of yours", I smiled.

"My parents love you, I swear they'd adopt you as soon as you dye your hair red", she chuckled. "I will see you at school alright? Jughead just texted me that he's here", I smiled.

"Okay, be careful. I love you Loukins", Cheryl smiled. "I love you too Cher".

I quickly grabbed my school bag and hung my rosé colored jacket over my shoulders. Before I headed out tho I stuck my head in the dining room, "I'm out, Mister and Misses Blossom, have a nice day".

"You too, Lou dear", Miss Blossom said looking at me.

When I got out I saw my brother standing at the huge gate of the Blossoms. "Just in time, I thought the witch herself ate you", Jug laughed.

"Ugh shut it Jug", I said rolling my eyes.

We then started walking towards the Southside of the town, more specific the Sunnyside trailer park.

"So how are you and Betty?", I asked my brother on the way. "We're good, I couldn't be happier to have her. I know that sounds cheesy and you probably just threw up in your mouth but still. And you and Mantle?", he asked.

"We are okay, I haven't really talked to him since your birthday party but who cares? I know he loves me so no big deal", I explained.

As we walked down the streets I noticed how I stuck out like a sore thumb. When Jug and I ran off I changed my style drastically. Back home I dressed like a Southsider but now I guess you could say my wardrobe is full of pastel fancy clothing.


Jug and I walked into the familiar trailer only to see it cleaned, tidied up and re-painted. When we turned around our dad walked towards us, shaved.

"Dad. Have you been body-snatched?", Jug asked our father. "Aw, I feel good Jug. I wanna look good too. You know shave, clean the place up a bit, little paint", FP explained.

"Dad", I smiled at the man who was the most important in my life and yet the biggest disappointment. "Lou, come here", he said pulling me into a tight hug.

To say I missed him was an understatement.

"Look at you, dressing like a princess", he smiled. "We got coffee and doughnuts", my brother announced.

"Awesome. I read your, uh... Your essay? Manuscript?", our dad told Jughead just then I noticed almost all of my drawings hung up on the wall of the kitchen.

"You did?", Jug asked as we both took a seat at the small table. "Yeah".

"I asked you for it", dad laughed. "I don't know, I figured you were just pretending to be interesting", Jug mumbled.

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